The Lamp is a heartwarming and inspiring family film from 2010 that tells the story of a lost lamp that brings hope and healing to a grief-stricken family. The movie stars Roger Nix, Jason London, and Meredith Salenger as the leading cast. The movie opens with a young girl named Sarah (Mollie Milligan) who is living with her grandparents David (Muse Watson) and Ruth (L. Scott Caldwell) after losing her mother. One day, Sarah discovers an ancient oil lamp in the attic and decides to give it a rub. To her surprise, a Genie (Louis Gossett Jr.) appears and tells her that he can grant her three wishes. Sarah is hesitant at first, but the Genie manages to convince her that her wishes can help her family heal.
Meanwhile, David and Ruth are struggling to come to terms with the death of their daughter and the strain it has put on their relationship. David spends his days working on a mysterious project in his workshop, while Ruth tries to keep the family together despite their differences.
As Sarah makes her wishes with the help of the Genie and the lamp, David becomes more interested in what she is doing and starts to investigate the lamp's history. He discovers that the lamp belonged to a man named Aladdin, who used its power to save his village from a terrible drought. Inspired by Aladdin's story, David finds a way to use the lamp to help his family and the community.
The Lamp is a film that explores themes of grief, healing, and the power of hope. It is a poignant and uplifting story that reminds us of the importance of family, tradition, and the power of human connection. Through its compelling characters and heartfelt performances, the movie encourages us to believe in the impossible and find hope in the darkest of moments.
Roger Nix delivers a standout performance as David, the grieving father who must confront his own pain and guilt to save his family. Jason London is equally impressive as the Genie, bringing a sense of whimsy and wonder to the story. Meredith Salenger also shines as Ruth, the strong and loving grandmother who holds the family together.
Overall, The Lamp is a touching and uplifting film that is perfect for families to watch together. Its timeless message of hope and healing is sure to resonate with audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you're looking for a heartwarming story to lift your spirits or simply want to enjoy a great movie with your loved ones, The Lamp is a must-see film that is sure to captivate and inspire you.
The Lamp is a 2011 kids & family movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 36 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.0.
CastRoger NixJason LondonMeredith Salenger
DirectorTracy Trost
Release Date2011
Runtime1 hr 36 min
IMDB Rating6.0 (501)
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