The Dreaming is a supernatural thriller film that was released in the year 1988. Directed by Mario Andreacchio, the movie stars Arthur Dignam, Penny Cook, and Gary Sweet in lead roles. The story of the film revolves around a young woman named Diana (played by Penny Cook), who arrives in Australia's outback to study aboriginal culture. She is accompanied by her husband, David (played by Gary Sweet), who is a Geologist. Their guide, a local aboriginal man named Max (played by Arthur Dignam), guides them through the sacred land of his ancestors.
As Diana begins to learn about the aboriginal way of life, Max starts to have visions of the past. He sees his own past life as a young aboriginal man, living in a tribe that worshipped spirits and was plagued by a deadly curse. Max learns of the curse that has been affecting the tribe for generations, which has caused many deaths and terrible tragedies.
As Max shares his visions with Diana, she realizes that they have a connection to her own life. She starts to have her own visions of Max's past, and slowly uncovers the truth about the curse that has been affecting the tribe.
The Dreaming is a visually striking movie that has stunning visuals of the Australian outback. The film showcases the beauty and the mystery of the land, with shots of the vast desert landscapes and wildlife. The film has a haunting and atmospheric tone that makes it a unique and riveting viewing experience.
The movie explores themes of spirituality, identity, and cultural heritage. The relationship between Diana and Max is a central focus of the film, as they learn from each other and grow closer as they uncover the truth about the curse. The movie delves into aboriginal culture and the struggle of the aboriginal people to preserve their ways of life and traditions.
The performances of the lead actors are commendable, with Arthur Dignam giving a nuanced and heartfelt performance as Max. Penny Cook and Gary Sweet have great chemistry on screen, and their characters' relationship is portrayed with sensitivity and depth.
The Dreaming is an intriguing and thought-provoking film that explores the mysteries of life and the power of ancestral spirits. The movie will appeal to fans of supernatural thrillers and those who are interested in learning about aboriginal culture and spirituality.
Overall, The Dreaming is a unique and compelling film that showcases the beauty and the mystery of the Australian outback. The film has a haunting and atmospheric tone, with strong performances from the lead actors. The movie explores themes of spirituality, identity, and cultural heritage, making it a poignant and relevant viewing experience even after all these years.
The Dreaming is a 1988 horror movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 29 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.2.
CastArthur DignamPenny CookGary Sweet
DirectorMario Andreacchio
Release Date1988
Runtime1 hr 29 min
IMDB Rating5.2 (426)
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