The Demon Within AKA The Mind Snatchers AKA The Happiness Cage

Watch The Demon Within AKA The Mind Snatchers AKA The Happiness Cage

  • 1972
  • 1 hr 32 min

The Demon Within, also known as The Mind Snatchers and The Happiness Cage, is a psychological thriller movie released in 1972, directed by Bernard Girard, and starring Christopher Walkin. The film takes place in a dystopian future, where a group of scientists experiment with mind control techniques. The protagonist of the movie is a young scientist, named Joseph, who becomes increasingly disillusioned with the research being conducted by his fellow colleagues. Joseph begins to question the methods they are using to control the minds of their experimental subjects, as well as the ethics of the experiments.

The experiment involves using electric shock therapy to erase the memories and personalities of the experimental subjects, allowing the scientists to mold them into compliant, obedient individuals. However, as the experiments progress, it becomes clear that the subjects are not entirely under the control of the scientists. Instead, they seem to be possessed by a malevolent force, which the scientists refer to as "the demon within."

As Joseph digs deeper into the experiment, he discovers that the scientists have been manipulating data and falsifying results to cover up their failures. He begins to fear that the true purpose of the experiment is not to create obedient subjects, but to unleash the demon within and spread it throughout society.

Throughout the movie, the tension builds as the scientists struggle to contain the demon within and prevent it from spreading. Meanwhile, Joseph grows increasingly isolated as he fights to expose the truth and put a stop to the experiment.

One of the most striking aspects of the film is its use of minimalist sets and stark cinematography to create a sense of claustrophobia and isolation. The laboratory where the experiments take place is stark and sterile, contrasting sharply with the lush, green landscapes visible outside the windows.

Another strong point of the movie is the performances of the actors, particularly Walken, who delivers a nuanced and emotionally charged portrayal of Joseph. The secondary characters, including the other scientists and the experimental subjects, are also well-cast and add depth to the overall story.

Overall, The Demon Within is a gripping and thought-provoking movie that explores complex themes such as free will, identity, and the limits of science. While the film's bleak and oppressive atmosphere may not be for everyone, its strong performances and eerie sense of suspense make it a worthwhile watch for fans of psychological thrillers.

The Demon Within AKA The Mind Snatchers AKA The Happiness Cage is a 1972 drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 32 minutes.

Where to Watch The Demon Within AKA The Mind Snatchers AKA The Happiness Cage
The Demon Within AKA The Mind Snatchers AKA The Happiness Cage is available to watch, stream, download and on demand at The Roku Channel. Some platforms allow you to rent The Demon Within AKA The Mind Snatchers AKA The Happiness Cage for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 32 min