The Decade You Were Born-The 1970's

Watch The Decade You Were Born-The 1970's

  • 2012
  • 1 hr 31 min

The Decade You Were Born - The 1970s is a documentary film that explores the social, cultural, and political events that shaped America in the seventies. The film takes a nostalgic look at the decade and provides a vivid account of what it was like to live through it. The filmmakers have divided the movie into different segments, each highlighting a major event or phenomenon that characterized the seventies. Some of the episodes explored in the film include the rise of disco, the Vietnam War, the sexual revolution, Watergate, the Arab oil embargo, and the emergence of punk rock.

The movie features interviews with people who lived through the seventies and experienced these events firsthand. These interviews include politicians, celebrities, activists, and ordinary people who offer their perspectives on the key issues of the day. The interviewees provide a rich tapestry of individual stories that give a human face to the events that shaped the era.

The Decade You Were Born - The 1970s also features rare archival footage and photographs that transport viewers back in time to the seventies. The film showcases iconic moments from the decade, such as the Moon landing, the Woodstock festival, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and the fall of Saigon.

One of the most striking aspects of the film is how it captures the spirit of the seventies. The decade was marked by a sense of hope and optimism, as people believed they could change the world for the better. The film shows how this spirit manifested itself in various ways, from the emergence of environmentalism to the growth of the feminist movement.

However, the decade was not without its challenges, as the film shows. The Vietnam War was a contentious issue that divided the country, while the oil embargo caused economic hardship for many Americans. Watergate was a massive scandal that shook the nation's faith in its political institutions.

The Decade You Were Born - The 1970s does an excellent job of balancing the positive and negative aspects of the decade. The film acknowledges the challenges but never loses sight of the overall optimism that characterized the era. The film is a celebration of the seventies, warts and all.

One of the strengths of the movie is its ability to unite people across generations. For those who lived through the seventies, the film will bring back nostalgic memories and provide a fresh perspective on the events of the day. For younger viewers, the film offers a glimpse into a fascinating and transformative period in American history.

Overall, The Decade You Were Born - The 1970s is an engaging and informative documentary that captures the essence of a decade. The film succeeds in showing how the events of the seventies shaped the country and influenced American culture in countless ways. Anyone with an interest in American history or popular culture will find something to enjoy in this film.

The Decade You Were Born-The 1970's is a 2012 special interest movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 31 minutes.

The Decade You Were Born-The 1970's
Where to Watch The Decade You Were Born-The 1970's
The Decade You Were Born-The 1970's is available to watch, stream, download and buy on demand at Amazon Prime, The Roku Channel and Amazon. Some platforms allow you to rent The Decade You Were Born-The 1970's for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 31 min