The Death Chair

Watch The Death Chair

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. - Friedrich Nietzsche"
  • 21 min
  • 6.0  (6)

The Death Chair is a 2014 independent horror film that tells the story of a group of paranormal investigators who stumble upon an abandoned prison and discover a sinister past that involves a notorious criminal, a cursed electric chair, and vengeful spirits. The movie is directed by Chad Calek and stars Steven Durgarn, Jessica Froelich, Mark A. Nash, and Jason Clabaugh.

The film begins with a group of five paranormal investigators led by Josh (Durgarn) who are hired by a TV network to explore the abandoned Wyoming State Penitentiary, which was once known for its use of the electric chair as a means of execution. The team includes tech specialist Tyler (Nash), psychic medium Erin (Froelich), skeptic Ben (Clabaugh), and cameraman Blake (also played by Durgarn).

As they explore the prison, they come across the death chamber where the electric chair is still intact. Erin immediately senses a strong presence and warns the others of the danger they might face. However, Josh insists on going forward with their investigation and sets up their equipment to record any paranormal activity. As the night progresses, strange and terrifying events start to unfold, and the team realizes that they might have gotten more than they bargained for.

Throughout the movie, the team experiences a series of supernatural phenomena, including sudden temperature drops, flickering lights, unexplained noises, and even physical attacks. Erin, who is already sensitive to the spirits, becomes possessed by the angry souls that haunt the prison, putting everyone in danger. To make things worse, they discover that the electric chair is cursed, and every time it's used, the souls of the executed become trapped in the prison, seeking revenge for their unjust deaths.

As the team tries to survive the night and uncover the truth behind the cursed chair, they are faced with their own personal demons, including guilt, fear, and loss. Josh, who is haunted by his brother's death, becomes increasingly reckless and puts his team in danger. Tyler, who lost his sister to a similar paranormal incident, is torn between his scientific curiosity and his fears. Ben, who doubts the existence of ghosts, is forced to confront his beliefs, and Blake, who is struggling to cope with the loss of his girlfriend, becomes the unsung hero of the group.

The Death Chair is a gripping and intense horror film that blends elements of found footage and traditional cinematography. The movie uses the prison's eerie atmosphere and the team's vulnerability to create a sense of dread and suspense that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The acting is solid, with standout performances from Froelich, who brings depth and complexity to her character, and Durgarn, who effectively portrays the leader's descent into madness.

The film's pacing is well-crafted, with a slow build-up that gradually escalates into a violent and shocking climax. The special effects and makeup are impressive, particularly in the scenes where the spirits manifest themselves. The movie's score also deserves mention, as it effectively enhances the mood and tension.

Overall, The Death Chair is a well-made horror film that delivers on scares and thrills. It's not a perfect movie, as some of the plot twists are predictable, and some of the characters' actions are hard to justify. However, the movie's strengths outweigh its weaknesses, and it's a worthy addition to the horror genre. Fans of supernatural horror and found footage films will appreciate The Death Chair's unique take on the genre.

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  • Runtime
    21 min
  • IMDB Rating
    6.0  (6)