The Christmas Aunt is a TV movie that premiered on Hallmark Channel on November 1, 2020, directed by Paul Ziller and written by Tracy Andreen. The film stars Keshia Knight Pulliam as Rebecca, Jarod Joseph as Drew, and Angela Moore as Aunt Carolyn. The story of the movie revolves around Rebecca, an unmarried woman who lives in Chicago and works as an event planner. She has always been too focused on her career to think about settling down and starting a family of her own. However, her life changes when she receives a call from her Aunt Carolyn, who invites her to spend the holidays in her hometown of Lisaington.
Rebecca is excited to spend the holiday season with her family, but she is not prepared for what awaits her in Lisaington. Her Aunt Carolyn, who is also known as the "Christmas Aunt," has a reputation for meddling in people's lives, and Rebecca quickly discovers that she is no exception. Aunt Carolyn wants Rebecca to find love and settle down, and she is determined to do whatever it takes to make that happen.
As Rebecca tries to navigate Aunt Carolyn's matchmaking efforts, she finds herself drawn to Drew, a handsome and charming local who runs a Christmas tree farm. Although she initially resists Drew's advances, she soon begins to feel her heart softening towards him.
The film is set against the backdrop of the picturesque town of Lisaington, which is entirely devoted to Christmas. There are Christmas lights, decorations, and holiday-themed activities everywhere, making it the perfect setting for a festive love story.
Throughout the film, Rebecca must learn to balance her own desires with Aunt Carolyn's expectations. She must also confront her fear of being vulnerable and open to love, as she struggles to let go of the past and embrace the present.
The Christmas Aunt is a heartwarming and uplifting movie that celebrates the true meaning of the holiday season. At its core, it is a story about family, love, and the importance of staying true to oneself. Keshia Knight Pulliam shines in her role as Rebecca, delivering a nuanced and layered performance that captures her character's journey of self-discovery. Jarod Joseph is also excellent as Drew, bringing a charming and romantic energy to the film. And Angela Moore steals the show as Aunt Carolyn, delivering a hilarious and heartfelt performance that embodies the spirit of Christmas.
In conclusion, The Christmas Aunt is a delightful holiday movie that will leave viewers feeling warm and fuzzy inside. With its charming setting, engaging characters, and heartwarming story, it is the perfect movie to get into the holiday spirit. Whether you are looking for a romantic comedy to watch with your significant other or a family-friendly movie to enjoy with your loved ones, The Christmas Aunt is an excellent choice.
The Christmas Aunt is a 2020 tv movie. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.8.
CastKeshia Knight PulliamJarod JosephAngela Moore
DirectorTibor Takács
Release Date2020
IMDB Rating5.8 (320)
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