The Berken Case is a French crime thriller movie from 2017, directed by Renaud Bertrand. The story revolves around a mysterious murder that shook a small village in the French countryside. The film stars Audrey Fleurot as Commander Sandra Winckler, a competent and ambitious police officer who is assigned to investigate the murder case. Philippe Lefebvre plays Jacques Monnier, a wealthy and influential businessman who becomes the primary suspect in the case. Maryne Bertieaux portrays Mathilde Monnier, Jacques' daughter, whose character adds another layer of complexity to the case.
The movie introduces us to the character of Commander Sandra Winckler, a no-nonsense policewoman with a troubled past. The story unfolds as the body of a young woman is discovered in the forest near the Berken estate, owned by Jacques Monnier. The victim is identified as a former employee of the Monnier family, which puts Jacques under suspicion. Sandra and her team start investigating the case, but things are not as straightforward as they seem.
The Berken family is portrayed as a dysfunctional lot, with Jacques being the controlling patriarch. Mathilde, his daughter, is seen as a fragile and vulnerable woman who is constantly being manipulated by her father. As Sandra delves deeper into the case, she uncovers some disturbing secrets about the Monnier family. The plot thickens as new clues surface, and Sandra finds herself in a race against time to catch the killer.
One of the movie's strengths is its excellent ensemble cast. Audrey Fleurot delivers a powerful performance as a dedicated police officer who is not afraid to break the rules to get to the truth. Philippe Lefebvre is equally impressive as the shady businessman who is hiding something. Maryne Bertieaux is convincing as the emotionally fragile Mathilde, adding a human element to the crime story.
The Berken Case keeps the audience engaged with its twists and turns, and the plot builds up to a satisfying conclusion. The movie is beautifully shot, with stunning visuals capturing the serene yet eerie atmosphere of the small village. The film's pacing is perfect, with the suspenseful scenes balanced by moments of introspection that reveal the characters' motivations and personal demons.
Moreover, the Berken Case raises some thought-provoking questions about power and privilege in society. Jacques Monnier's wealth and influence are depicted as a double-edged sword that gives him the ability to manipulate those around him, but also makes him vulnerable to scrutiny. The movie also explores the notion of guilt and innocence, showing how our perceptions of people can be clouded or biased.
In conclusion, The Berken Case is a gripping crime thriller that is well worth a watch. The movie effectively combines suspense and introspection with powerful performances by its lead actors. The story explores some intriguing themes and raises some compelling questions about human nature. Fans of the genre will find plenty to enjoy here, and the film's strong ending will leave them satisfied.
The Berken Case is a 2018 crime movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 29 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.5.
CastAudrey FleurotPhilippe LefebvreMaryne Bertieaux
DirectorLaurence Katrian
Release Date2018
MPAA RatingTV-14
Runtime1 hr 29 min
IMDB Rating5.5 (68)
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