The Beach House

Watch The Beach House

  • 2019
  • 1 hr 15 min

The Beach House is a Lebanese drama film written and directed by Roy Dib. It premiered at the 2020 Venice Film Festival and features a talented cast including Sandy Chamoun, Lara Chekerdjian, and Selim Mourad. Set against the stunning backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea, The Beach House follows a party of friends as they gather at a beautiful beach house on the Lebanese coastline for a weekend of fun and relaxation. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse when tensions rise and secrets are revealed.

Samar (Sandy Chamoun) is a writer who is struggling to come to terms with her father's recent death. She arrives at the beach house with her best friend, the rebellious and carefree Inas (Lara Chekerdjian), who is hoping to let loose and forget about her own problems for the weekend. The rest of the group consists of Inas's boyfriend, the flirtatious Jad (Wassim Nohra), and his friend, the quiet and introspective Hady (Selim Mourad).

As the group settles in, tensions begin to simmer beneath the surface. Inas is angry with Samar for not telling her about her father's death, while Jad's flirtatious behavior towards Inas irks both her and Samar. Hady, who seems to be the odd one out, is quietly observing everyone around him and struggling to fit in.

As the group spends more time together, they start to let their guard down and open up about their fears and vulnerabilities. Samar confides in Inas about the pressures she's feeling as a writer, while Hady opens up to Jad about his complicated relationship with his father. But just as the group is starting to bond, a shocking revelation threatens to tear them apart.

The Beach House is a beautifully shot and emotionally resonant film that captures the complexities of friendship, grief, and self-discovery. The characters are well-developed and the performances are strong, particularly Chamoun and Chekerdjian who both shine in their respective roles. Dib's direction is subtly effective, allowing the natural beauty of the setting to shine while also keeping the focus on the characters and their relationships.

Overall, The Beach House is a poignant and nuanced exploration of the ways in which we connect with one another and the challenges we face in trying to understand ourselves and those around us. It's a must-see for anyone interested in thought-provoking dramas that explore the complexities of the human experience.

The Beach House is a 2019 drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Where to Watch The Beach House
The Beach House is available to watch free on Plex and Tubi TV. It's also available to stream, download and buy on demand at Amazon Prime and Amazon. Some platforms allow you to rent The Beach House for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 15 min