The Angel of Marye's Heights

Watch The Angel of Marye's Heights

  • 2011
  • 28 min
  •   (9)

The Angel of Marye's Heights is a historical drama film from 2010, inspired by true events that took place during the American Civil War. The movie tells the story of Richard Kirkland, a Confederate soldier who becomes known as "The Angel of Marye's Heights" due to his act of mercy on the battlefield. The story takes place in December 1862, during the Battle of Fredericksburg. The Confederate army is positioned on top of Marye's Heights, a strategic location that overlooks the town. The Union army is attempting to cross the Rappahannock River and take the city of Fredericksburg. The two sides engage in a brutal battle that lasts for several days, with heavy casualties on both sides.

Richard Kirkland, played by Michael Aubrecht, is a young soldier from South Carolina who is fighting for the Confederate army. He is deeply committed to the cause and believes in the righteousness of the Confederate States' secession. However, as he sees the carnage of the battlefield and the suffering of his comrades, he begins to question the senseless violence of war.

The turning point comes when Kirkland witnesses the Union soldiers lying wounded and dying in the field between the two armies. He can hear their cries for help, but there is no one to tend to them. Kirkland is moved by their agony and decides to take action. Despite the risk of being shot by his own troops, he climbs over the wall that separates the opposing sides and approaches the wounded soldiers.

Kirkland proceeds to do the unthinkable: he begins to provide care to the wounded Union soldiers. He retrieves water from a nearby well and gives it to them, he dresses their wounds, and he offers them comfort. The Union soldiers are shocked and grateful for his mercy, and they nickname him "The Angel of Marye's Heights" for his selfless act.

The film portrays Kirkland as a hero, a man who transcends the boundaries of war and shows compassion to his fellow human beings. His actions inspire others to follow his example, and soon the whole battlefield is abuzz with rumors of a Confederate soldier who helped the enemy. The Union army itself acknowledges Kirkland's bravery, and a truce is even called to allow the wounded to be evacuated.

However, Kirkland's act of mercy is not without consequence. He is reprimanded by his superiors for breaking protocol and risking his life for the enemy. He is also mocked and ostracized by some of his fellow soldiers, who view his behavior as cowardly and dishonorable. Kirkland is torn between his duty to his army and his newfound sense of humanity, and he struggles to find a balance between the two.

The film is a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and the humanity that can emerge from the chaos. It asks difficult questions about the morality of violence and the need for compassion in times of conflict. The acting is solid, particularly by Michael Aubrecht, who gives a nuanced and sympathetic portrayal of Richard Kirkland. The battle scenes are realistic and harrowing, with a visceral sense of dread and danger that permeates every frame.

Overall, The Angel of Marye's Heights is a moving and thought-provoking film that honors the legacy of a true American hero. It is a must-see for anyone interested in history or the human condition, and it serves as a testament to the power of empathy and compassion in even the darkest of times.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    28 min
  • IMDB Rating