The 4th Dimension

Watch The 4th Dimension

  • NR
  • 2006
  • 1 hr 21 min
  • 5.6  (200)

The 4th Dimension is a 2006 indie film directed by Tom Mattera and Dave Mazzoni. The movie is a sci-fi thriller that follows Jack, played by Louis Morabito, an eccentric scientist who is obsessed with the idea of creating a machine that could take people to another dimension. Jack is a loner who lives in a rundown apartment and only interacts with his friend Ponzo, played by Miles Williams, who is also his test subject for his machine. Jack's machine is a giant, spherical device that he has built in his apartment, which he hopes will allow him to explore the fourth dimension – a world beyond our own.

As Jack works on perfecting his machine, he becomes increasingly frustrated with Ponzo, who seems to be hindering his progress. Jack's obsession with the machine is also causing him to neglect his health, as he spends days and nights tinkering with the device without eating or sleeping.

Meanwhile, Jack's neighbor, Anne, played by Karen Peakes, is worried about Jack and tries to form a connection with him. Jack is hesitant at first, but eventually, the two start to develop a relationship. Jack starts to see Anne as a kindred spirit, someone who can share his passion for the unknown and who can help him achieve his goal.

As Jack gets closer to perfecting his machine, strange things start to happen. Jack starts to see glimpses of other dimensions and experiences bizarre hallucinations. He becomes increasingly erratic and paranoid, convinced that someone is trying to stop him from achieving his goal.

The 4th Dimension is a slow-burning movie that gradually builds tension as Jack's pursuit of the unknown becomes increasingly dangerous. The film is shot in a gritty, low-budget style that adds to its atmosphere of tension and unease.

The performances in the movie are solid, particularly Louis Morabito's portrayal of Jack. He manages to convey the character's obsession and madness while still making him sympathetic. Karen Peakes also does an excellent job as Anne, bringing a warmth and humanity to the role that contrasts with Jack's cold, scientific mindset.

Overall, The 4th Dimension is a thought-provoking movie that explores the limits of human knowledge and the dangers of obsession. The film's slow pacing and unrelenting tone won't be for everyone, but for those who appreciate a well-crafted slow-burn thriller, The 4th Dimension is definitely worth checking out.

The 4th Dimension
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 21 min
  • IMDB Rating
    5.6  (200)