Take It Or Leave It

Watch Take It Or Leave It

  • 2018
  • 1 hr 50 min
  • 7.4  (852)

Take It Or Leave It is an Estonian drama film from 2018 that captures the emotional rollercoaster of a man named Erik (Reimo Sagor) who is forced to decide his future when he is given custody of his newborn child. The story unravels as Erik, a construction worker on a nearly completed highway in Estonia, receives an unexpected phone call that his ex-girlfriend Moonika has given birth to a baby. The truth shocks him, as he was not aware she was pregnant and had no idea about the existence of the baby. Despite the fact that he can hardly take care of his own life, he is told by social services that he has to choose whether to keep the baby or leave it for adoption.

Erik is at first overwhelmed by the situation and seeks help from his own father who is too busy to assist him. With no one else to turn to, he eventually takes the child home and tries his best to take care of the infant. Living in a building site which is set up with only basic necessities, Erik is not only learning to feed and bathe the child, but is also trying to find ways to connect with her emotionally. He struggles to balance his daily work routine with the needs of a newborn, and the movie follows him through his journey of becoming a single parent.

The movie is directed by Liina Trishkina-Vanhatalo, who wonderfully captures the gritty and raw emotions of the characters in the film. Take It or Leave It offers a realistic and intimate portrayal of the challenges associated with single parenthood, especially under these circumstances. Sagor delivers a convincing performance as Erik, portraying his character's transformation from a regular guy to a loving and caring parent. The chemistry between Sagor and his child actor is incredibly natural, and it is evident just how much they learn from each other throughout the movie.

Another standout performance is from Nora Altrov, who plays Moonika, the baby's mother. Altrov only appears very briefly in the film, yet her character leaves a significant impact. It is through her conversations with Erik, that we get a deeper understanding of her reasons for giving up the baby for adoption, and her character arc. Emily Viikman also gives a notable performance as Erik's love interest, who helps him during his difficult relationship with Moonika.

The movie's cinematography plays a noteworthy role as it mirrors the general tenor of Erik's situation. The picturesque yet desolate surroundings, the construction site where Erik lives, and the sudden shifts in weather correlate with Erik's feelings of frustration, helplessness, and despair. The color palette of the film is composed of mostly blues and greys which echo Erik's pessimistic behavior.

Take It or Leave It offers a lot to think about throughout its 100 minutes. The movie effectively examines the issues surrounding childhood development, good parenting, gender roles, and socioeconomic factors. It also raises awareness of the importance of mental health and the struggles associated with caring for a newborn, especially when the new parent has no prior experience.

Overall, Take It or Leave it is an impressive film that pulls at your heartstrings from beginning to end. It offers both an engaging and relatable story and a powerful artistic vision. The movie is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys an excellent coming-of-age story or if you are interested in exploring the themes mentioned above. Definitely not one to miss!

Take It Or Leave It
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 50 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (852)