Superman Batman: Public Enemies is a 2009 animated superhero film based on the DC Comics storyline of the same name. The movie is directed by Sam Liu and features the voices of Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor, Kevin Conroy as Batman, Tim Daly as Superman, and Xander Berkeley as Captain Atom. The story takes place in a world where Superman and Batman are forced to team up against their most powerful adversary yet, Lex Luthor. Luthor has been elected President of the United States, and he uses his power to frame Superman for a murder that he did not commit. Luthor then puts a $1 billion bounty on Superman's head, forcing him to go into hiding.
Meanwhile, Batman is investigating the murder that Superman has been accused of committing. His investigation leads him to suspect that Lex Luthor is behind the whole thing. Batman then approaches Superman with his findings, and the two of them join forces to clear Superman's name and bring Luthor to justice.
As they work to unravel Luthor's plot, the two heroes face off against some of their toughest foes, including Metallo, Silver Banshee, and Captain Atom. With Luthor's forces closing in on them, Superman and Batman must use all of their strength and cunning to save the world from destruction.
Throughout the movie, there are plenty of action-packed fight scenes and suspenseful moments. Superman and Batman demonstrate their unique abilities and work together in ways that showcase their mutual respect and friendship. The characters are all well-written and well-voiced, with Clancy Brown giving an especially memorable performance as the manipulative and power-hungry Lex Luthor.
The animation style of Superman Batman: Public Enemies is reminiscent of the comics, with bold colors and sharp outlines. The visuals are engaging and well-executed, with the action scenes being particularly striking. The storyline is a bit convoluted at times, but it is ultimately satisfying and entertaining.
One of the standout features of the movie is the dynamic between the two titular characters. Superman and Batman have always had a complicated relationship in the comics, and this movie captures that perfectly. They are very different heroes, with different approaches to justice and different strengths and weaknesses. However, they also share a deep respect and trust for one another, and they work well together despite their differences.
Another highlight of the movie is the inclusion of many of DC Comics' most iconic villains. Seeing Superman and Batman face off against the likes of Metallo and Silver Banshee is a treat for fans of the comics, and it adds an extra layer of excitement to the story.
Overall, Superman Batman: Public Enemies is an exciting and enjoyable animated superhero movie. It features great performances from its voice cast, stunning animation, and plenty of action and suspense. Fans of Superman and Batman, as well as DC Comics in general, are sure to enjoy it.
Superman Batman: Public Enemies is a 2009 science fiction movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 7 minutes. It has received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 7.2.
CastClancy BrownKevin ConroyTim DalyXander Berkeley
DirectorSam Liu
Release Date2009
MPAA RatingPG-13
Runtime1 hr 7 min
IMDB Rating7.2 (22,095)
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