Super Hero Shehanshah

Watch Super Hero Shehanshah

  • 2017
  • 2 hr 28 min

Super Hero Shehanshah is an action-packed superhero film starring Vijay and Hansika Motwani in leading roles. Directed by S. Shankar, the film takes the audience on an exhilarating journey filled with thrilling action sequences, heartwarming emotions, and a dash of romance. With stunning visual effects and a gripping storyline, Super Hero Shehanshah delivers a unique cinematic experience.

The movie revolves around the life of Seenu, played by Vijay, an intelligent and quick-witted youngster who aspires to become a scientist. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he acquires superhuman abilities after a freak accident in a science laboratory. Seenu's newfound powers, including super strength and the ability to fly, thrust him into the world of crime-fighting. Intending to utilize his powers for the greater good, he dons the alter ego of "Super Hero Shehanshah."

As Super Hero Shehanshah, Seenu embraces his role as a protector of justice and aims to eradicate the crime-ridden streets of his city. Balancing his ordinary life as Seenu with his extraordinary responsibilities as a superhero proves to be challenging, yet he perseveres and fights against the forces of evil that threaten the peace and harmony of his community.

Throughout the film, Super Hero Shehanshah encounters numerous adversaries, including powerful supervillains, corrupt politicians, and criminal organizations. With his extraordinary abilities and unwavering determination, he fearlessly battles against these threats, showcasing his agility, combat skills, and intelligence.

The movie also introduces a romantic track, where Hansika Motwani plays the role of Priya, Seenu's love interest. Their relationship adds an element of charm and tenderness to the narrative, providing brief respites from the intense action sequences. The chemistry between Vijay and Hansika Motwani is engaging, adding depth to their characters.

Super Hero Shehanshah delves into the origins of its protagonist, exploring the tragedy that eventually propelled Seenu into becoming a superhero. It touches upon themes such as personal loss, sacrifice, and the inherent responsibility that comes with wielding such immense power. The film delves into the inner conflict faced by Seenu as he struggles to maintain balance between his dual identities and protect his loved ones from the dangers he faces.

The visual effects in Super Hero Shehanshah are truly spectacular, showcasing the extensive efforts put into creating a believable superhero universe. The action sequences are choreographed with finesse, incorporating gravity-defying stunts and high-energy combat. Each battle showcases the versatility of Super Hero Shehanshah's powers, leaving the audience at the edge of their seats.

Moreover, the film boasts a compelling soundtrack that complements the intensity and emotion of the narrative. The songs, composed by acclaimed music director A.R. Rahman, capture the essence of the story and elevate the viewing experience further.

Super Hero Shehanshah serves as a testament to Vijay's versatility as an actor, highlighting his ability to seamlessly transition between intense action sequences and heartfelt emotional moments. His charismatic presence on screen keeps the viewers engaged throughout the film, rooting for his character's triumph over adversity.

Overall, Super Hero Shehanshah is an enthralling superhero film that combines thrilling action, heartfelt emotions, and a touch of romance. With Vijay and Hansika Motwani delivering captivating performances, stunning visual effects, and an engaging storyline, the movie provides a compelling cinematic experience for fans of the genre. Get ready to witness the rise of Super Hero Shehanshah and join him on an epic journey to protect the city and its people from the clutches of evil forces.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    2 hr 28 min