
Watch #standwithme

"One child, A few lemons. A world without slavery. Some lemons dream big."
  • 2014
  • 1 hr 6 min
  • 8.8  (13)

#standwithme is a powerful documentary released in 2014 from director Patrick Moreau. The film revolves around the story of a young girl named Vivienne Harr, who at the age of eight, saw something that broke her heart. While walking with her parents, she saw a photo of two Nepalese boys carrying rocks on their backs. That photo became the catalyst for Vivienne's journey to fight against child slavery that obliterates the dreams of numerous children around the world.

Vivienne was so moved by the image that she decided to take action, and she pledged to help end child slavery for good. She set up a lemonade stand on her front lawn and vowed to raise $100,000 for the cause, which would help free 500 children from slavery. This is where the film #standwithme begins.

The documentary follows Vivienne's passion and determination to end child slavery as she sets out on her quest to raise her $100,000 target. Along the way, she meets other like-minded people, from individuals to small businesses, who become her allies in the fight. The documentary tracks Vivienne's journey as she takes her lemonade stand to various locations such as fairs, farmers' markets, and festivals, and raises awareness about the issue of child slavery.

The film also delves into the dark side of child slavery, where children are forced to work for long hours, are malnourished and not given the education they deserve. The documentary highlights stories of children from different parts of the world who have been victims of child slavery and how it has affected their lives.

Throughout the film, we see Vivienne's determination grow as she faces numerous challenges that come along her path. She faces barriers such as her age, bureaucratic red tape, and skepticism from some members of the public. But she remains determined and never wavers from her goal of ending child slavery.

As the lemonade stand becomes more and more successful, Vivienne decides to take her cause further. She forms a social enterprise called Make A Stand, which produces fair trade lemonade. The company is not only committed to raising awareness about child slavery - it also donates five percent of its profits to the cause of ending it.

The film takes a closer look at the formation of Make A Stand, which involves Vivienne's family, friends, and mentors who help her every step of the way. The documentary shows the challenges they all faced in developing a product that represented their mission and vision.

The film highlights how social media can play an instrumental role in raising awareness and funding for a good cause. #standwithme showcases how the use of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram helped Vivienne reach a broader audience and garner support for her cause.

#standwithme is a film that will tug at your heartstrings. It's an inspiring story of a little girl who took a stand and made a difference. It offers a message of hope that one person can make a significant impact on the world. The film shows how where there's a will, there's a way, and determination can overcome any obstacle.

In conclusion, #standwithme is an incredible documentary that offers a poignant and uplifting message. It highlights the inspiring story of a small girl with a big heart who stood up for what she believed in, and in doing so, she inspired thousands of others to join her cause. It's a must-watch for anyone who believes making a difference is possible, and for anyone who wants to feel empowered and inspired to create change in their own lives.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 6 min
  • IMDB Rating
    8.8  (13)