Simple Simon

Watch Simple Simon

  • 2013
  • 1 hr

Simple Simon is a Swedish film that was released in 2010. The movie was directed by Andreas Öhman and starred Bill Skarsgard, Martin Wallström, and Cecilia Forss. The film is a heartwarming drama that explores the life of a young man with Asperger's Syndrome and his quest to find true love. The story follows Simon (Bill Skarsgard), a 20-year-old with Asperger's Syndrome who is obsessed with space and aliens. Despite his condition, Simon is an intelligent and curious person who is well-versed in astronomy and has a talent for memorizing trivia. However, he lacks social skills and has trouble communicating with people, which often leads to misunderstanding and frustration.

Simon lives with his older brother Sam (Martin Wallström) and his girlfriend Frida (Cecilia Forss). Sam and Frida are supportive of Simon, but they also struggle to deal with his behavior at times. Simon's life changes when he meets Jennifer (Helen Sjöholm), a beautiful woman who works at the local planetarium. Simon is immediately smitten with Jennifer and becomes determined to win her heart, even though he doesn't know how to approach her.

Driven by his desire to impress Jennifer, Simon asks his brother for help in learning how to flirt and be charming. Sam is hesitant at first, but he eventually agrees to coach Simon on the art of dating. Together, they come up with a plan that involves Simon pretending to be a filmmaker who is working on a documentary about Jennifer's work. Simon's plan works, and Jennifer agrees to be his guide for the documentary.

As Simon and Jennifer spend more time together, they develop a close friendship that eventually leads to a romance. Simon is overjoyed to have found someone who accepts him for who he is and understands his quirks. However, their relationship is not without its challenges, as they have to navigate Simon's social limitations and cope with the disapproval of Jennifer's mother.

Throughout the film, Simon's journey is both heartwarming and poignant. The film showcases the challenges that people with Asperger's and other forms of autism face when it comes to social interaction and dating. It also highlights the importance of understanding and acceptance for those living with these conditions.

The performances in Simple Simon are exceptional, especially Bill Skarsgard's portrayal of Simon. Skarsgard is convincing in his portrayal of a person with Asperger's, capturing the mannerisms, speech patterns, and behavior that are characteristic of the condition. Martin Wallström and Cecilia Forss also shine in their roles as Simon's supportive but flawed family members.

Overall, Simple Simon is a heartwarming and engaging film that offers a thoughtful exploration of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the challenges faced by people who have it. The film is a testament to the power of love and acceptance in helping people with disabilities to overcome barriers and live fulfilling lives. It is a must-see for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of autism and the struggles faced by those who have it.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr