Sankashta Kara Ganapathi is a 2018 Kannada comedy-drama film directed by Arjun Kumar S. The movie stars Akshara, Kiran Chengappa, and Shruti Goradia in the lead roles. The film's plot revolves around a young woman named Gowri who has a close relationship with Lord Ganesha. Life takes an unexpected turn when she loses her beloved cat, Sankashta, who is also her best friend. With the help of her friends and Ganesha, she tries to find her cat and overcome the obstacles that come in her way.
The movie begins with Gowri, a college student who adores her cat, Sankashta. She often talks to her cat and shares her feelings with him. Her happy life comes to a sudden halt when Sankashta goes missing. Gowri is heartbroken and desperately searches for her cat everywhere. She informs her friends about the missing cat and they decide to help her find him. They start a search party and eventually find Sankashta in an abandoned house. However, getting him out of the house proves to be a difficult task as it is haunted. This is where Lord Ganesha comes in. Gowri believes that with his blessings, they will be able to rescue Sankashta. What follows is a series of hilarious events that will leave the audience in splits.
The film has a light-hearted tone, and the characters are portrayed in a relatable manner. Gowri's character is lovable, and the audience can feel her pain when she loses her cat. The chemistry between the lead actors is commendable, and their comedic timing is impeccable. The cinematography is beautiful, showcasing the scenic beauty of Karnataka. The film's soundtrack is composed by Ritvik Muralidhar, and the songs are catchy and memorable.
One of the film's highlights is its depiction of Lord Ganesha. The deity is not portrayed in a traditional manner but is shown to be a friend and guide to Gowri. This unique take on a revered deity is refreshing and adds to the film's overall appeal. The film also touches upon the importance of friendship and the bond between humans and animals.
While the film has its share of comedic moments, it also has its fair share of emotional scenes. Gowri's emotions are handled delicately and are not overplayed for the sake of drama. The film's climax is heartwarming and leaves a lasting impact on the audience.
In conclusion, Sankashta Kara Ganapathi is a delightful film that is sure to leave the audience in a good mood. The film's humour, performances, and overall message make it a must-watch for anyone looking for a fun and heartwarming cinematic experience.
Sankashta Kara Ganapathi is a 2018 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 56 minutes. It has received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.7.
CastAksharaKiran ChengappaShruti Goradia
DirectorArjun Kumar S
Release Date2018
Runtime1 hr 56 min
IMDB Rating6.7 (170)
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