Ruth & Alex

Watch Ruth & Alex

  • 2015
  • 92 hr

Ruth & Alex is a charming and heartwarming movie about a couple named Ruth and Alex, played respectively by Diane Keaton and Morgan Freeman, who have been living in their Brooklyn apartment for over 40 years. The movie is based on a novel by Jill Ciment called "Heroic Measures" and follows the couple over the course of one weekend as they prepare to sell their apartment and move to a smaller place in Manhattan.

The film begins with Ruth and Alex waking up in their cluttered and cozy apartment to the sounds of construction outside. They have decided to sell their apartment and move to a smaller place in Manhattan so they can be closer to their daughter who lives nearby. However, they soon realize that selling their apartment will not be as easy as they thought.

The first obstacle they encounter is a leak in the bathroom, which prompts a series of repairs that need to be made before the apartment can be shown to potential buyers. The couple also has to deal with a quirky real estate agent played by Cynthia Nixon, who is trying to sell their apartment but keeps getting sidetracked by personal issues.

As the weekend progresses, the couple reminisces about their past, goes on a tour of potential apartments in Manhattan, and deals with a number of unexpected setbacks. They also discuss the possibility of staying put and not moving after all.

Throughout the film, Keaton and Freeman deliver strong performances as the aging couple who are faced with the reality of leaving their beloved home. The chemistry between the two actors is palpable, and their relationship is portrayed with honesty and depth.

The film's supporting cast is also exceptional, with Nixon providing comic relief as a frazzled and disorganized real estate agent, and Claire van der Boom delivering a memorable performance as a potential buyer who becomes fascinated by the apartment's history.

One of the film's strengths is its portrayal of New York City, with iconic landmarks such as the Brooklyn Bridge and the Empire State Building featured prominently in the backdrop. The film's cinematography captures the city's energy and bustle, while also showcasing its quieter, more intimate moments.

Another strength is the film's focus on the challenges faced by older adults, including the difficulty of finding affordable housing and navigating a complex healthcare system. The film tackles these issues with sensitivity and humor, and the characters' struggles feel authentic and relatable.

Overall, Ruth & Alex is a delightful and moving film that explores the themes of love, loss, and home. It is a testament to the talent of its two lead actors, as well as the skill of its filmmaker, who has created a touching and memorable portrait of a couple's journey towards a new beginning.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    92 hr