Roman Britain From the Air

Watch Roman Britain From the Air

"In a unique journey across Britain by helicopter, Christine Bleakley and historian Dr Michael Scott tell the story of what life was like for Romans and Britons 2000 years ago."
  • 2014
  • 46 min
  • 6.9  (11)

Roman Britain From the Air is a fascinating documentary that takes viewers on an aerial journey through some of the most impressive ancient Roman sites in Britain. The film provides a unique perspective as it features stunning drone footage of the country's Roman remains, giving audiences a bird's eye view of these awe-inspiring locations.

Presented by Justin Blake, the film is divided into four parts, each focusing on a different region of Britain that was once occupied by the Roman Empire. Alongside Blake, viewers are joined by archaeologist Michael Scott and broadcaster Christine Lampard, who share their extensive knowledge of Roman history and offer insights into the significance of the sites visited.

The first region visited in the documentary is the south-east of England, starting with a visit to the Roman palace at Fishbourne. The drone footage offers breathtaking views of the sprawling palace and its impressive gardens, which were uncovered in the 1960s. The documentary then moves on to Roman London, showcasing the remains of the city's walls and the amphitheatre located in the heart of modern-day London.

Moving north, the second part of the film explores the Roman forts and settlements of northern England and Scotland. The most notable location in this section is Hadrian's Wall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that stretches over 73 miles across the rugged countryside of northern England. The aerial footage paints a vivid picture of the wall's impressive construction and magnificent vistas, and viewers are provided with an understanding of the wall's significance to both the Roman Empire and the local tribes that resided in the North of England.

Part three takes viewers to the south-west of England, where the film explores another high-profile Roman construction, the Bathhouse in Aquae Sulis, now known as Bath. The intricate engineering of the Roman spa complex is brought to life through the drone footage, showcasing the sophisticated heating and plumbing systems that were used over 2000 years ago.

The final part of the film takes viewers to Wales, where the Roman Empire's attempts to conquer the far western reaches of Britain left a lasting legacy. The filmmakers utilize drone technology to capture the breathtaking views of the rugged Welsh coastline as they follow in the footsteps of the Roman Legions. The documentary's exploration of Wales concludes with an impressive view of the Roman amphitheatre located in the fortress town of Caerleon.

In sum, Roman Britain From The Air is a visually stunning documentary that provides a unique and engaging perspective on Roman Britain's historic sites. The aerial drone footage is a particular highlight, providing a perspective that is otherwise difficult to achieve. The film does an excellent job of bringing these ancient sites to life, with the presenters offering invaluable insight into the everyday lives of Roman citizens and the impact of Roman rule on Britain. Whether a lover of history, a drone enthusiast, or simply curious about the past, Roman Britain From The Air is a must-watch documentary.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    46 min
  • IMDB Rating
    6.9  (11)