Return to the Hiding Place is a powerful historical drama set during the Nazi occupation of Holland in World War II. It is a remarkable story of courage, faith, and the power of the human spirit to triumph over impossible odds. The film centers around Hans Poley, a young Dutch student, who finds himself on the front lines of the resistance when the Nazis invade his country. Along with his friends Piet and Rolf, Hans joins the underground movement and begins to fight back against the occupiers. The film is based on the actual true-to-life experiences of Hans Poley.
John Rhys-Davies stars as Pastor Fredrik W. Slomp, also known as "Frits," a key leader in the resistance who serves as a mentor and guide to Hans and his comrades. Mimi Sagadin plays Corrie ten Boom, a legendary figure in Dutch history who helped hide Jews and other refugees in her home during the war. Craig Robert Young plays Hans Poley, giving a nuanced and powerful performance that captures the depth of emotion and complexity of his character.
The film is beautifully shot and expertly paced, with a strong attention to historical detail that adds to the authenticity of the story. From the cobbled streets of Amsterdam to the quiet countryside hiding places where Jewish refugees hid from the Nazis to the chilling terror of Gestapo raids, the film captures the intense experience of living under occupation.
Despite the grim circumstances, Return to the Hiding Place is ultimately a story of hope and redemption. It showcases the resilience and bravery of the Dutch people, who refused to be intimidated by Nazi terror and instead banded together to fight for what was right. It also highlights the importance of faith in times of darkness, as many of the characters turn to God for strength and guidance.
Return to the Hiding Place is an emotionally powerful film that will leave a lasting impact on viewers. Its message of perseverance, courage, and faith is one that is relevant to all people of all ages, and is particularly important in an era where the Holocaust and its lessons are in danger of being forgotten. This is a must-see film for anyone who is interested in history, human rights, or simply loves a good story of triumph over adversity.
The film has received critical acclaim and numerous awards for its powerful portrayal of this little-known chapter in the history of the Dutch resistance. It is a gripping and inspiring film that will leave audiences with a renewed determination to stand up for what is right, no matter how difficult the road may be.
Return to the Hiding Place is a 2014 drama with a runtime of 2 hours and 3 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.9.
CastJohn Rhys-DaviesMimi SagadinCraig Robert Young
DirectorPeter C. Spencer
Release Date2014
MPAA RatingPG-13
Runtime2 hr 3 min
IMDB Rating4.9 (796)
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