Red Trousers - The Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen

Watch Red Trousers - The Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen

  • 2004
  • 1 hr 36 min

Red Trousers - The Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen is a fascinating documentary film that takes a deep dive into the world of Hong Kong stuntsmen. Directed by Robin Shou, the movie showcases the astonishing work of some of the most skilled and daring individuals in the film industry. The film starts by delving into the history of Hong Kong cinema and how the use of stunts was essential in the industry. The documentary explains that Hong Kong has always been at the forefront of action cinema, and it's thanks to the creative use of stunts that the city has earned its reputation as the birthplace of action movies.

The documentary then follows several well-known stunt performers as they go about their daily work. These include people like Bruce Law, who has worked as a stunt coordinator on films like Rush Hour 2 and Star Trek: Nemesis. Through Bruce and others like him, the film demonstrates how the role of a stunt performer goes beyond just performing dangerous stunts. They are also responsible for choreographing the stunts, training the actors, and ensuring that everyone is safe on set.

Another aspect of the documentary is that it explores the family-like relationships that are formed between the stunt performers. Through interviews with past and current performers, the film shows how they all train together and share a very close bond. We also see how their relationships extend to their families, as spouses and children support them and participate in many of the activities.

Throughout the film, we witness the rigorous training regimes that each of the performers must endure to become part of the elite group of Hong Kong stuntmen. With intense physical training, acrobatics, and martial arts, these people not only have to be skilled in gymnastics and martial arts, but they also need to be able to take a lot of physical punishment. The documentary provides an insight into their training and the incredible dedication it takes to become a stuntman.

Red Trousers - The Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen also shines a light on the inherent dangers of the job. The documentary shows footage of a stunt that went terribly wrong, which left one performer with serious injuries. This scary incident reminds us all that even the most experienced stunt performers are not immune to accidents when doing their jobs.

In addition to the interviews with the stunt performers, the film includes interviews with famous Hong Kong actors, including Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung. They both recognize the importance of stunt performers and the role that they play in their success. Their comments remind us of the spectacular action scenes that have become commonplace in Hong Kong cinema and that the use of stunts is necessary to deliver the kind of spectacle that keeps audiences coming back for more.

Overall, Red Trousers - The Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen is an engaging and informative documentary that provides viewers with an inside look into the world of Hong Kong stunt performers. With stunning action sequences and interviews with some of the industry's most renowned performers, this film celebrates the incredible talent and dedication of these brave individuals. It is a must-watch for any film fan, especially those who love action cinema.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 36 min
  • Language