Quartet is a 1948 British film. It takes its title from its structure. The film comprised four segments each directed by a different director. The four directors are Ken Annakin, Arthur Crabtree, Harold French and Ralph Smart. The cast includes Cecil Parker, Dirk Bogard, Basil Radford and several other well-known British actors. The movie was popular with British audiences and spawned two sequels. The story focuses on a married couple named Mr. And Mrs, Garnet and their son Nick. Nick is a young tennis player. They give their son Nick permission to travel to Monte Carlo for a tennis tournament with the proviso that he avoid women and gambling. Needless to say Nick breaks his promise.
CastBasil RadfordNaunton WayneIan Fleming
DirectorKen AnnakinArthur CrabtreeHarold FrenchRalph Smart
Release Date1948
MPAA RatingApproved
Runtime2 hr
IMDB Rating7.3 (973)
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