Offline - Das leben ist kein bonuslevel

Watch Offline - Das leben ist kein bonuslevel

  • 2016
  • 1 hr 31 min
  • 5.0  (864)

Offline - Das leben ist kein bonuslevel is a German coming-of-age movie released in 2016. The film revolves around Jan, a teenager who is obsessed with video games and his online persona, "Fenris". Jan spends most of his time playing video games and competing with other players in the virtual world. His parents are worried about his addiction to gaming and his detachment from the real world.

Despite his gaming addiction, Jan is a talented programmer and a student at a prestigious school. One day, he receives an invitation to participate in an international gaming competition in Berlin. Jan sees this as a chance to prove his worth as a gamer and make a name for himself in the gaming world.

Jan convinces his friend, Crille, to accompany him to Berlin for the competition. However, things take a turn for the worse when Jan's laptop is stolen, and he loses his gaming account. Jan is devastated, but he refuses to give up. He teams up with a fellow gamer, Karo, who helps him create a new gaming account and prepare for the competition.

As Jan trains for the competition, he begins to realize that he has been neglecting the people around him, including his family and friends. He reconnects with his childhood friend, Lisa, who has been trying to reach out to him for months. Lisa helps Jan see the value of real-life relationships and shows him that there is more to life than just gaming.

Jan's journey in Offline - Das leben ist kein bonuslevel is a story about finding balance between real life and virtual life. The film highlights the dangers of gaming addiction and the importance of real-life relationships. The movie also touches upon themes of friendship, love, and personal growth.

Moritz Jahn portrays Jan's character brilliantly. He brings the complexity and depth of Jan's character to life, capturing the essence of his struggles with gaming addiction and his journey towards self-discovery. Mala Emde's portrayal of Lisa is also noteworthy, as she portrays the character's compassion and patience with Jan, creating a relatable character for the audience.

Ugur Ekeroglu's character, Crille, provides the comic relief in the film. His portrayal of Jan's best friend adds an element of lightness to the movie and gives the audience a break from the intense emotional journey of the protagonist.

The cinematography and direction of Offline - Das leben ist kein bonuslevel are commendable. Director Florian Schnell expertly captures the contrast between Jan's virtual life and his real-life surroundings, highlighting the impact of gaming addiction on social interactions.

In conclusion, Offline - Das leben ist kein bonuslevel is a must-watch movie for anyone who loves gaming or has been affected by gaming addiction. The movie provides a realistic portrayal of the dangers of gaming addiction and its impact on relationships. The film also offers hope for those struggling with gaming addiction, highlighting the possibility of personal growth and redemption. It is a well-crafted movie that is sure to leave a lasting impact on its audience.

Offline - Das leben ist kein bonuslevel
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 31 min
  • IMDB Rating
    5.0  (864)