Of Dogs and Men

Watch Of Dogs and Men

  • 1 hr 16 min
  • 8.5  (17)

Of Dogs and Men is a 2016 documentary exploring the controversial and often-misunderstood subject of police shooting dogs. The film centers on three stories of families whose beloved pets were shot by police officers, as well as interviews with law enforcement officials and legal experts. One of the families the film follows is that of Cheryl Hanna, whose two dogs were shot by police officers during a drug raid on her neighbor's house. Hanna was not involved in any illegal activity, and her dogs had never been aggressive. Despite this, one dog was killed and the other seriously injured in the incident. Hanna fought for justice for her pets, leading her to eventually file a lawsuit against the police department.

Another story featured in the film is that of Tiffany Sowell, whose dog Cash was shot and killed by a police officer responding to a domestic disturbance call. Sowell and her son were inside the house at the time, and Cash had been tied up outside. The officer claimed that Cash was acting aggressively, but Sowell and her neighbors dispute this. Sowell has since become an advocate for pet owners' rights and has worked to pass legislation to better protect dogs in these kinds of situations.

The third story the film explores is that of Rachel Rogers, whose dog Samantha was shot by a police officer who had mistakenly entered her backyard while looking for a suspect. Samantha was a service dog for Rogers, who relies on the dog to alert her to seizures. While Samantha survived the shooting, Rogers was left traumatized by the incident. She has since become an advocate for better police training around dealing with dogs.

Throughout these stories, the film also speaks with lawyers, police officers, and animal behavior experts to try to get a better understanding of why these shootings happen and how they can be prevented. One police trainer interviewed in the film suggests that officers are often not properly trained in how to deal with dogs and may resort to lethal force out of fear or confusion. Others point to the high-pressure situations police officers face and the quick decisions they have to make when dealing with potentially dangerous suspects.

The film ultimately calls for more training for police officers on how to deal with pet dogs, as well as changes to laws and policies around these shootings. It also reminds viewers that the dogs killed in these incidents are not just pets, but members of families who are often traumatized by their loss.

Jim Osorio serves as the director of the film, and his background in documentary filmmaking is apparent in the film's well-crafted stories and interviews. The film is emotionally charged but never manipulative, presenting a balanced view of a complex issue. The cinematography is also noteworthy, with sweeping shots of the families' homes and neighborhoods contrasting with the intimate footage of the dogs themselves.

Of Dogs and Men received critical acclaim upon its release and has been praised for shedding light on an often-overlooked issue. The film serves as a reminder that as much as dogs are beloved pets, they are also members of families and deserve to be treated with respect and compassion.

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  • Runtime
    1 hr 16 min
  • IMDB Rating
    8.5  (17)