Not Now Darling is a British comedy film that was released in 1973. The film features an all-star cast, including Geraldine Gardner, Leslie Phillips, and Julie Ege, among others. The film was directed by Ray Cooney and David Croft, and it is based on a play of the same name by Cooney and John Chapman. The film revolves around two men, Gilbert Bodley (Leslie Phillips) and Harry McMichael (Donald Sinden), who run a fur salon in London. Gilbert is a womanizer who is always looking for a way to get closer to his female customers, while Harry is his loyal employee and friend who is tired of covering up for Gilbert's infidelities. Gilbert is constantly making advances towards Janie (Julie Ege), the wife of his best customer Arnold Crouch (Ray Cooney), who is a wealthy businessman.
The plot thickens when a beautiful model, Miss Whittington (Geraldine Gardner), arrives at the fur salon looking for a job. Gilbert is immediately smitten with her and goes to great lengths to get her to work for him. However, things take a turn when Miss Whittington turns out to be the mistress of Arnold, and he catches her working at the fur salon. Arnold becomes jealous and threatens to ruin Gilbert's business unless he stops seeing Janie and fires Miss Whittington.
Despite the odds stacked against them, Gilbert and Harry come up with a plan to keep Miss Whittington safe from Arnold's wrath and keep the business afloat. The plan involves a fake mink coat that is promised to Arnold's wife Janie, but ends up causing a lot of confusion and hilarity.
Not Now Darling is a classic British farce, filled with witty one-liners, mistaken identities, and hilarious physical comedy. The film is set against the backdrop of a busy fur salon, and the directors make excellent use of the space to create visually stunning scenes that are both funny and exciting. The film is also full of unforgettable characters, including the clumsy delivery man (Vic Wise) who causes chaos wherever he goes, and Miss Tipdale (Joan Sims), an eccentric customer who is always looking for a bargain.
One of the highlights of the film is the chemistry between Leslie Phillips and Geraldine Gardner. The two actors have fantastic chemistry, and their scenes together are some of the best in the film. Phillips' performance as the rakish Gilbert is spot-on, and he delivers his lines with impeccable timing. Gardner, on the other hand, brings a certain charm and vulnerability to her role as Miss Whittington, which makes her character one of the most endearing in the film.
Not Now Darling is a film that will keep you laughing from start to finish. It's a classic British comedy that's full of hilarious moments, unforgettable characters, and memorable scenes. If you're a fan of farce and physical comedy, Not Now Darling is definitely worth checking out.
Not Now Darling is a 1973 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 30 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.6.
CastGeraldine GardnerLeslie PhillipsJulie Ege
DirectorRay CooneyDavid Croft
Release Date1973
MPAA RatingR
Runtime1 hr 30 min
IMDB Rating5.6 (260)
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