Must See Places of the World: Mystic Lands - Peru, Maya

Watch Must See Places of the World: Mystic Lands - Peru, Maya

  • NR
  • 2006
  • 51 min

The movie Must See Places of the World: Mystic Lands - Peru, Maya is a breathtaking documentary that explores the mesmerizing world of the ancient Inca civilization in Peru, as well as the enigmatic world of the Maya in Mexico and Central America. Narrated by Edward James Olmos, a celebrated filmmaker and actor, the movie takes viewers on an unforgettable journey through some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes, ruins, and monuments of South America and Mesoamerica.

The journey begins in Peru, where viewers are transported to the heart of the Andean range, to the city of Cusco, the former capital of the Inca empire. From there, the documentary follows the footsteps of the Incas through the Sacred Valley, where they built some of the most impressive structures of their civilization.

One such structure is the fortress of Ollantaytambo, a massive complex of stone walls, steps, and buildings that served as both a stronghold and a ceremonial center for the Inca royalty. In the movie, viewers get a sense of the scale and ingenuity of the Inca builders, who carved out the massive rocks using primitive tools and transported them over great distances.

Another highlight of the documentary is the city of Machu Picchu, one of the most iconic landmarks of South America. Built on a steep mountain ridge, this ancient city is a testament to the ingenuity and architectural skill of the Inca civilization. The movie takes viewers on a virtual tour of the city, showing its intricate system of terraces, stairs, and temples, as well as the stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

Moving on to Mesoamerica, the movie explores the world of the Maya civilization, which flourished in Mexico and Central America from about 2000 BC to 1500 AD. The documentary takes viewers to some of the most significant archaeological sites of the Maya world, such as Tikal in Guatemala, Chichen Itza in Mexico, and Copan in Honduras.

At Tikal, viewers get to see the towering pyramids and stelae that served as the centers of worship and governance for the Maya rulers. The movie also highlights the intricate carvings and inscriptions that adorn the walls and pillars of these structures, providing unique insights into the religious beliefs and political history of the Maya people.

Chichen Itza, another important Maya site, is known for its massive pyramid of Kukulcan, a step pyramid that served as a sacred site for the Maya ceremonies. The documentary shows the intricate astronomical alignments of the pyramid, as well as the many other buildings and plazas that make up the site.

Finally, the movie takes viewers to Copan, a lesser-known Maya site in Honduras, but one that is famous for its intricate stone carvings and sculptures. The documentary shows some of the most impressive pieces of Copan art, including the stelae that depict the kings and queens of the city, as well as the ball courts where the Maya played their ritual ball game.

Overall, Must See Places of the World: Mystic Lands - Peru, Maya is a stunning documentary that captures the beauty, mystique, and history of two of the most captivating civilizations of the ancient world. From the massive stone structures of the Inca to the intricate carvings of the Maya, this movie is a visual feast that will leave viewers spellbound and inspired.

Must See Places of the World: Mystic Lands - Peru, Maya
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    51 min