Murphy's War is a war film from 1971. As World War II reaches its final days, Murphy finds himself as the lone survivor of a merchant ship that was attacked by the Germans. After struggling to survive for days, Murphy winds up on making it to shore along the Venezuelan coast. There, he receives medical treatment from Dr. Hayden, a pacifist.
After Murphy discovers the location of U-boat that gunned down his shipmates, he meticulously plots out his revenge scheme. This scheme involves learning how to fly a floatplane that was stored on his ship, the Mount Kyle, with much trial and error. He attempts to use some Molotov cocktails against the watercraft, but this plan only succeeds in failing.
As time elapses, German has surrendered to the allies, but Murphy's bloodlust leaves him unwilling to give up. His next plan involves utilizing a Frenchman's floating crane as a battering ram, which the U-boat responds to by simply diving underneath. However, the maneuver also winds up jamming the watercraft into a mud bank. While it seems as if Murphy has been given the perfect opportunity to satisfy his vengeance, the cost may be more than he can bear to pay.
Murphy's War is a 1971 drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 47 minutes. It has received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.7.
CastPeter O'TooleSiân PhillipsPhilippe Noiret
DirectorPeter Yates
Release Date1971
MPAA RatingPG-13
Runtime1 hr 47 min
IMDB Rating6.7 (4,063)
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