MST3K - Mitchell

Watch MST3K - Mitchell

  • NR
  • 1 hr 32 min

MST3K - Mitchell is a science fiction comedy movie that was released in 1993. The movie features a group of scientists that are trapped in space and forced to watch bad movies. In this particular episode, the scientists are forced to watch a cheesy detective movie called Mitchell. Mitchell is a classic 1975 B-movie that stars Joe Don Baker as the titular character. Mitchell is a hard-drinking, womanizing detective who doesn't play by the rules. He's also corrupt, inept, and completely unlikable. The movie follows Mitchell as he investigates a series of robberies that are being carried out by a group of criminals led by a man named Walter Deaney.

The movie is filled with terrible acting, terrible writing, and terrible special effects. It's the perfect movie for the scientists to riff on, and they do so with gusto. The lead scientist, played by Joel Hodgson, provides most of the jokes, but the rest of the cast gets in on the fun too.

Trace Beaulieu provides the voice for Crow T. Robot, a wisecracking robot that is constantly making fun of Mitchell and his terrible detective work. Jim Mallon plays Gypsy, another robot that provides commentary on the movie. Kevin Murphy provides the voice for Tom Servo, a wise-cracking robot that is always ready with a joke.

Frank Conniff and Michael J. Nelson round out the cast as additional scientists that are trapped on the spaceship. They provide additional commentary on the movie, and they're just as funny as the rest of the cast.

Throughout the movie, the cast makes fun of Mitchell's poor detective skills, his terrible wardrobe, and his bizarre relationships with the women in his life. They also poke fun at the movie's poor pacing, ridiculous plot twists, and laughable special effects.

The MST3K - Mitchell episode is a classic example of the show's style. The cast is constantly riffing on the movie, providing jokes and commentary that make the terrible movie watchable. The chemistry between the cast is fantastic, and they play off each other's jokes seamlessly.

If you're a fan of bad movies, cheesy '70s detective shows, or MST3K in general, then Mitchell is definitely worth watching. It's a hilarious movie that's guaranteed to make you laugh, and the MST3K episode takes it to a whole new level. So grab some popcorn, gather some friends, and settle in for a night of laughs with MST3K - Mitchell.

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  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 32 min
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Also directed by Kevin Murphy
Also starring Trace Beaulieu
Also starring Joel Hodgson