Moon Rock for Monday is an emotionally-charged Australian drama from 2020 that tells the story of a young girl named Monday who sets out on a journey to find her estranged father before she loses her sight forever. At the center of this heart-wrenching tale is the young and talented Georgia Blizzard, who delivers a nuanced and heartbreaking performance as Monday, a rebellious teenager who has been forced to cope with the imminent loss of her vision as a result of a degenerative eye disease. With the help of her loyal dog, Arthur, she embarks on a journey to reconnect with her estranged father, but soon discovers that the road ahead is littered with obstacles and challenges.
Directed by Kurt Martin and written by Aaron Jeffery (who also stars as Monday's enigmatic father), Moon Rock for Monday is a poignant exploration of family, loss, and redemption that features an impressive supporting cast including Jessica Napier, David Field, and Nicholas Hope. The film manages to balance its emotional weight with moments of humor and levity, creating a thoroughly entertaining and thought-provoking experience that will linger with viewers long after the credits roll.
At its core, the film is a character-driven piece that centers around the dynamic between Monday and her father, as well as her relationships with the various people she encounters on her journey. Aaron Jeffery's performance as her father is particularly noteworthy, as he brings a nuanced and conflicted energy to the role that adds depth and complexity to the film's central relationship. Their interactions are both tender and fraught, as Monday grapples with her anger and disappointment towards her absent father and he struggles to make amends for past mistakes.
The film is also notable for its stunning cinematography, which captures the beauty and majesty of the Australian landscape while also reflecting the inner turmoil of its characters. From the rust-red sands of the Outback to the lush green hills of the hinterland, Moon Rock for Monday is a showcase of some of Australia's most breathtaking vistas, adding an immersive and cinematic quality to the storytelling that complements the film's emotional beats perfectly.
Overall, Moon Rock for Monday is a tour-de-force of Australian cinema that showcases the talents of some of the country's most gifted filmmakers and performers. Through its exploration of themes such as family, love, and loss, it manages to strike a deeply resonant chord with viewers of all ages and backgrounds, offering a thought-provoking and immersive experience that is not to be missed. Whether you're a fan of drama, coming-of-age stories, or simply love a good road movie, Moon Rock for Monday is definitely worth adding to your watchlist.
Moon Rock for Monday is a 2022 drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes. It has received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.5.
CastDavid FieldRahel RomahnClarence Ryan
DirectorKurt Martin
Release Date2022
Runtime1 hr 40 min
IMDB Rating6.5 (3,207)
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