Mistaken is a thrilling drama from 2015, directed by David L. Williams and starring Franklin Correa, Crystal T. Williams, and Lester Greene. The story is about a young man named Kevin who is falsely accused of a crime and how he deals with the devastating consequences of the mistake. Kevin is a hardworking and honest young man who is supporting his family by working at a local grocery store. One day, he is approached by a police officer who accuses him of stealing from the store. Kevin is shocked and denies any wrongdoing, but the police officer refuses to listen to him and arrests him for the theft.
Kevin tries to defend himself in court, but the evidence seems to be stacked against him â the security footage shows a man who looks just like him stealing from the store. Despite his protests, Kevin is found guilty and sentenced to three years in prison.
The experience of being in prison is devastating for Kevin, as he has never been in trouble with the law before. He struggles to cope with the harsh reality of life behind bars, and the constant fear of violence and abuse from other inmates. Meanwhile, his family is struggling to get by without his income and support.
As time goes by, Kevin begins to uncover evidence that proves his innocence. He finds a witness who saw the real thief, and even tracks down the actual thief himself. But as he tries to present this evidence to the authorities, he realizes that the people who should be on his side are not interested in the truth. They are more concerned with covering up their mistakes and protecting their own reputations.
Kevin refuses to give up, even as the odds seem to be stacked against him. He fights for his freedom and his reputation, even as he faces threats and intimidation from those who want to keep him quiet.
The acting performances in Mistaken are powerful and emotional, particularly from Franklin Correa in the lead role of Kevin. He brings a lot of depth and complexity to the character, making the audience sympathize with his plight and feel the injustice of his situation.
The film is well-paced, with plenty of tension and suspense to keep the audience engaged. The script is smart and well-written, with plenty of twists and turns that keep the story fresh and interesting.
Overall, Mistaken is a powerful and thought-provoking drama that explores themes of justice, corruption, and redemption. It is a film that will make you think about the flaws in our justice system and the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
Mistaken is a 2021 action movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 8 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.2.
CastFranklin CorreaCrystal T. WilliamsLester Greene
DirectorFranklin Correa
Release Date2021
Runtime1 hr 8 min
IMDB Rating5.2 (10)
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