Missing William is a romantic drama film that was released in 2014. The movie stars Spencer Grammer, Courtney Ford, and Brandon Routh in the lead roles. The film is directed by Kenn MacRae and written by Daniel McKinnon. The film revolves around two characters, Abby (Spencer Grammer) and James (Brandon Routh), who are childhood friends. They grew up together and were close until James left the town to pursue his dreams in the city. Abby, on the other hand, stayed back in their hometown and took care of her mother, who suffered from a chronic disease.
The story begins when James returns to his hometown after several years. He comes back to take care of his father, who is critically ill. Abby is thrilled to see James after so many years and they quickly rekindle their friendship.
As they spend more time together, Abby and James realize that they have feelings for each other, and a romantic bond develops between them. However, James is still dealing with the grief of losing his wife, who died in a car accident, and is unable to fully open up to Abby.
Meanwhile, Abby is struggling with her own emotional issues. She is torn between her desire to pursue her dreams and her sense of responsibility towards her mother.
The film beautifully portrays the emotion and complexities that come with grief, loss, and love. The stunning cinematography captures the beauty of the small town in which the film is set, and the music adds to the emotional depth of the story.
In addition to Abby and James, the film also has a great supporting cast. Courtney Ford plays Victoria, James's sister, who is supportive of their relationship. Reid Scott plays Jack, Abby's ex-boyfriend, who complicates things for them when he returns to their hometown.
One of the things that set this film apart is the way it deals with grief and loss. It is a sensitive portrayal of the pain that comes with losing someone you love and the difficulty of moving on. The film doesn't shy away from the tough questions and emotions that come with these issues, but it does so in a way that is respectful and heartwarming.
Overall, Missing William is a beautiful film that will leave you feeling uplifted and emotional. It is a story of love, loss, and finding the courage to pursue your dreams, no matter the obstacles that may come your way.
Missing William is a 2014 drama. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.0.
CastBrandon RouthCourtney FordReid Scott
DirectorKenn MacRae
Release Date2014
IMDB Rating6.0 (503)
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