Meraa Ghar Mere Bachche is a family drama movie from 1985, starring Raj Babbar, Smita Patil, and Meenakshi Sheshadri. The movie revolves around a single mother, Rama (Smita Patil), who struggles to make ends meet and provide a comfortable life for her four children. Rama's husband, Ram (Raj Babbar), had abandoned the family years ago, leaving her to raise the children on her own. Rama works as a nurse in a hospital, and her job keeps her busy most of the time, leaving her little time to spend with her children. The eldest son, Vijay (played by Master Ravi), has to take on the responsibility of taking care of his siblings and the home.
The movie shows the struggles of a single mother raising her children, and the various challenges that she has to face. Rama, despite her financial difficulties, tries to provide the best education for her children, and dreams of a better life for them. But she finds it hard to balance her job and her children's needs.
Meenakshi Sheshadri plays Rama's younger sister, Radha, who comes to live with the family. Radha is a college student who is more focused on her own life and career than her family. She is often annoyed with Rama's constant demands for financial help, and their relationship becomes strained.
The movie also deals with social issues such as poverty, corruption, and unemployment. Vijay, who drops out of school due to financial reasons, is forced to take up odd jobs to support his family. He becomes involved with a local gang, and his life takes a dangerous turn.
The movie has a social message and highlights the struggles of a single mother and the importance of family support. It also shows the importance of education and the role it plays in one's life. The performances of the actors, especially Smita Patil and Meenakshi Sheshadri, are appreciated for their realism and emotional depth. The movie's music, composed by R.D. Burman, is also well-received.
Meraa Ghar Mere Bachche was directed by K. Bapaiah and produced by T. Trivikrama Rao. It was released in 1985 and was a commercial success, earning critical acclaim for its realistic portrayal of social issues.
Overall, Meraa Ghar Mere Bachche is a heartwarming family drama that deals with important social issues. It is a must-watch for those who appreciate realistic portrayals of family life and the struggles of a single mother.
CastRaj BabbarSmita PatilMeenakshi Sheshadri
DirectorChander Vohra
Release Date1985
Runtime2 hr 30 min
IMDB Rating4.8 (33)
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