Watch McDull, Prince de la Bun
- 2004
7.1 (602)
McDull, Prince de la Bun is a 2004 Hong Kong animated comedy-drama movie created by Brian Tse and Alice Mak. The film follows the titular character, a pig named McDull, as he embarks on a journey to become a prince and fulfill his dream of becoming a superstar. The film opens with McDull living a mundane life as a restaurant worker with his mother in Hong Kong's urban area. However, with a vivid imagination and an optimistic attitude, he aspires to achieve great things one day. After learning about a competition held by his school where the winners will get to meet their favorite musical idol, Eason Chan, McDull decides to practice his singing skills religiously. After being unable to win the contest due to his poor singing skills, McDull is heartbroken and loses faith in his dreams.
Then one day, McDull's grandfather, who lives in a rural area, tells him the story of how he used to be the prince of Bun, and how he lost his throne to a sneaky fish. He elucidates how he had to win back his throne by defeating the fish in a contest. Taking inspiration from his grandfather's story, McDull embarks on a journey to rural China to restore his grandfather's honor and become a prince himself.
Throughout his journey, McDull experiences many ups and downs, and he learns important life lessons about perseverance, determination, and self-belief. He faces numerous challenges along the way, including overcoming his fear of water, helping his grandfather win the food competition, and ultimately defeating the fish to claim his grandfather's throne.
The film's emotional appeal lies in its ability to draw the audience towards McDull's innocent and charming character. McDull's character is an embodiment of what most of us experience while growing up â the innocent imagination, a mindset of being a dreamer, and the willingness to work hard to make those dreams come true. McDull's journey resonates with the audience, especially children and teenagers, who aspire to do something big in their lives.
Moreover, the film's socio-cultural motifs gleam throughout the storyline. McDull encounters different landscapes in his journey â both the urban life in Hong Kong and the rural areas of Guangzhou. Through the eyes of a young piglet, the film is an ode to the culture, lifestyle, and values of these places. McDull's adventures represent the journey of discovery and acceptance, including understanding different cultures and the diverse perspectives of living.
The film's soundtrack is also noteworthy, with its peppy tracks and heartwarming ballads. The music captures emotional notes of McDull's journey, showcasing the range of experiences and emotions the character navigates. The singing, both by the characters in the story and the soundtrack artists off-screen, complement each stage of McDull's journey.
Overall, McDull, Prince de la Bun is an animated manifesto of the human mind's resilience and an ode to the beauty of life's experiences, especially the journey of self-discovery. The movie is a combination of social commentary, humor, emotions, and music that blends together seamlessly, making it a must-watch family movie. The movie follows McDull, who may be a pig, but represents every individual who lives and aspires to create a life filled with wonder, dreams, and willpower to succeed.