Mask of the Ninja is a 2008 action-thriller movie directed by Bradford May and starring Casper Van Dien, Anthony Brandon Wong, and Bellamy Young. The movie is set in Japan and follows a group of ninjas who are after a powerful artifact that could grant them ultimate power. The story begins in Japan where a group of ninjas, led by the ruthless Kazu, steal a powerful artifact known as the Kuroyama sword. The sword has the power to give its wielder immense power, and Kazu plans to use it to become the most powerful ninja in the land. However, the sword is stolen from Kazu by another ninja named Masazuka.
Masazuka, who was once a disciple of Kazu, is now a rogue ninja who has been banished from the clan. He plans to use the sword to exact revenge on his former master and regain his honor. However, Masazuka's plans are foiled when he is captured by a team of American soldiers led by Jack Barrett (Casper Van Dien).
Barrett is a former Special Forces soldier who has been sent to Japan to help train the Japanese Self-Defense Force. He is also a skilled martial artist and is soon drawn into the conflict between Kazu and Masazuka. Barrett discovers that Masazuka has the sword and decides to take it to his superiors to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
However, Masazuka escapes from custody and begins a deadly game of cat and mouse with Barrett and his team. Along the way, Barrett meets a beautiful Japanese woman named Namiko (Bellamy Young), who becomes his ally in the fight against Kazu and Masazuka. Together, they must stop the ninjas before they can use the sword to take over Japan.
The movie is full of intense action and martial arts sequences, which are expertly choreographed and executed. The fight scenes are brutal and realistic, and the use of weapons adds an extra level of excitement to the action. The actors, especially Van Dien and Wong, deliver strong performances and bring depth to their characters.
The movie also features stunning cinematography and captures the beauty of Japan's landscapes and architecture. The music is also well-suited to the movie and enhances the tension and excitement of the action scenes.
Overall, Mask of the Ninja is a thrilling action movie that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It delivers on both the action and story fronts, and the talented cast and crew make it a must-see for fans of the genre.
Mask of the Ninja is a 2009 tv movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 30 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 3.6.
CastCasper Van DienAnthony Brandon WongBellamy Young
DirectorBradford May
Release Date2009
Runtime1 hr 30 min
IMDB Rating3.6 (452)
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