Mary Higgins Clark: Before I Say Goodbye is a gripping and suspenseful made-for-television movie that debuted in 2003. It stars Sean Young as Nell MacDermott, the wife of a wealthy New York politician named Adam MacDermott, played by Peter DeLuise. Ursula Karven also appears in the film as Nell's best friend Carrie. The movie begins with Nell being devastated by the unexpected death of her father, who was the owner of a major corporation called MacDermott Enterprises. The shocking news comes at a time when Nell's marriage is also on the rocks, as she feels neglected and unappreciated by her husband.
Soon after her father's death, Nell starts to suspect that his death may not have been a natural one. She uncovers several discrepancies in his financial records and becomes convinced that he was involved in some sort of shady business dealings. Her suspicions are strengthened when she discovers that her father had transferred a large sum of money to a mysterious offshore account.
Determined to find out the truth about her father's death and clear his name, Nell starts to investigate his business associates and connections. She discovers a web of deceit and betrayal that runs deep within her father's company, and puts herself in grave danger as she gets closer to the truth.
As Nell's investigation progresses, her personal life also takes a turn for the worse. She and Adam continue to have problems in their marriage, and Nell is also dealing with the pressure of her father's legacy and the responsibility of taking over his company.
Throughout the movie, the tension builds as Nell uncovers more and more disturbing information about her father's business dealings and the people involved. There are several twists and turns that keep the audience on edge, as Nell races against the clock to uncover the truth before it's too late.
The acting in Mary Higgins Clark: Before I Say Goodbye is top-notch, with Sean Young delivering a compelling performance as Nell MacDermott. She captures the character's inner turmoil and determination to uncover the truth, and it's easy to empathize with her as she deals with the many challenges she faces.
Peter DeLuise is also impressive as Adam MacDermott, perfectly portraying the character's conflicted emotions and flaws. Ursula Karven is solid as Nell's best friend Carrie, offering a supportive presence as Nell navigates her way through the difficult situations she finds herself in.
Overall, Mary Higgins Clark: Before I Say Goodbye is a well-crafted and engaging thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It's a compelling story about family, loyalty, betrayal, and the lengths one will go to uncover the truth. The movie is based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Mary Higgins Clark and is a must-watch for fans of her work, as well as anyone looking for a gripping and suspenseful movie.
Mary Higgens Clark: Before I Say Goodbye is a 2003 crime movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 35 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.1.
CastSean YoungPeter DeLuiseUrsula Karven
DirectorMichael Storey
Release Date2003
MPAA RatingPG-13
Runtime1 hr 35 min
IMDB Rating5.1 (338)
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