Mahabalipuram is a Tamil language drama thriller film that was released in 2015. The movie's story revolves around four friends, Siva (Karunakaran), Rajan (Ramesh Thilak), Mani (Karthik Sabesh), and Aravind (Vetri), who are studying in the famous temple town of Mahabalipuram. These four friends are inseparable and share a strong bond.
The movie starts with a beautifully shot sequence of the Mahabalipuram temple. Siva, Rajan, Mani and Aravind are seen wandering around the town and enjoying themselves. However, their life takes a turn when Siva gets entangled in a murder case.
Siva's life changes when he meets Kavya (Anjali Rao), a young girl who is working at the tea stall near their college. Siva and Kavya fall in love with each other. However, their love story is soon interrupted when Siva becomes a prime suspect in a murder case. The movie then takes a thrilling turn when the four friends come together to prove Siva's innocence.
Mahabalipuram is a well-crafted movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat till the end. The story is gripping, and the performances of the cast are noteworthy. Karunakaran, Ramesh Thilak, Karthik Sabesh and Vetri have all done an excellent job in portraying their respective characters.
One of the highlights of the movie is its cinematography. The camera work in the movie is simply outstanding. The visuals of Mahabalipuram have been captured exceptionally well, and itâs evident that the filmmakers have put in a lot of effort to showcase the beauty of the town.
The movie also has a strong message about friendship and loyalty. The bond between the four friends is admirable, and the lengths to which they go to prove each other's innocence is heartwarming. It shows that true friends will always stand by your side and support you in your time of need.
Another aspect of the movie that stands out is its music. The songs are melodious and contribute to the overall mood of the movie. The background score does an excellent job of building up the tension and adding to the dramatic effect.
In terms of pacing, Mahabalipuram does an excellent job. The movie never feels slow or dragged out, and the story progresses at a steady pace. The relationships between the characters are well-developed, and we get to see their motivations and emotions.
Overall, Mahabalipuram is a must-watch movie for those who appreciate a good thriller. It has excellent performances, stunning cinematography and a gripping story. The movie is a fine example of what Tamil cinema can offer and is sure to leave a lasting impact on audiences.
Mahabalipuram is a 2015 crime movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 43 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.0.
CastKarunakaranRamesh ThilakKarthik Sabesh
DirectorDon Sandy
Release Date2015
Runtime1 hr 43 min
IMDB Rating4.0 (53)
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