Madeline: Lost in Paris is a 1999 live-action film that follows the adventures of the beloved children's book character Madeline. The film is directed by Marius Lesoeur and stars an all-star cast, including Lauren Bacall, Jason Alexander, and Garry Chalk. The story follows Madeline, a young French girl who attends an all-girls boarding school in Paris. When her long-lost uncle saves her from a near-fatal accident, Madeline is overcome with excitement at the prospect of reuniting with her family. However, when her uncle disappears following a mysterious heist, Madeline sets out to find him in the bustling streets of Paris.
With the help of her school friends and their Spanish teacher, Pepito, Madeline uncovers a complex conspiracy involving her uncle and a group of art thieves. Along the way, she finds herself caught up in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, with danger lurking around every corner.
The film is a charming and whimsical tale that perfectly captures the spirit of the Madeline children's book series. The vibrant and colorful scenery of Paris serves as the perfect backdrop for the film's action, providing a sense of grandeur and excitement that keeps the audience enthralled throughout.
Lauren Bacall is perfectly cast as Madeline's sharp-tongued and loving neighbor, and her chemistry with the young actress who plays Madeline is evident in every scene. Jason Alexander provides a hilarious and memorable turn as the detective assigned to the case, and Garry Chalk brings a sense of menace and intensity to his role as the head of the art thieves.
Overall, Madeline: Lost in Paris is a delightful and engaging film that will charm audiences young and old. Its timeless story, lovable characters, and beautiful setting make it a classic that will be enjoyed for generations to come.
Madeline: Lost in Paris is a 1999 animated movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 14 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.1.
CastLauren BacallJason AlexanderGarry Chalk
DirectorStan Phillips
Release Date1999
MPAA RatingG
Runtime1 hr 14 min
IMDB Rating6.1 (589)
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