Maa Bhoomi

Watch Maa Bhoomi

  • 1979
  • 2 hr 38 min
  • 8.6  (89)

Maa Bhoomi is a 1979 Telugu drama film directed by Goutam Ghose. The film stars Sai Chand, Rami Reddy, and Kakarala in lead roles. The movie is set in a small village in Andhra Pradesh, which is caught between corrupt landlords and downtrodden farmers. The farmers are left with no choice but to sell their land to the landlords for petty cash which lands them in poverty and traps them in an endless cycle of debts.

The film is a poignant portrayal of the struggles and hardships faced by the farmers who've been exploited and oppressed by the landlords. The movie opens with a group of farmers uniting to oppose their landlords' highhandedness, cruelty, and tyrannical ways. The landlords, in turn, use their power to quash the farmers' rebellion by employing goons, police, and judiciary. The movie delves deep into the psyche of the farmers and their desperation to break free from their chains of bondage.

Sai Chand plays the role of a farmer called Gopi, who is brave and determined in his fight for justice. He channels his anger and frustration by mobilizing the farmers to unite to fight against their oppressors. His character goes through various shades of emotions like anger, hopelessness, despair, and determination, making his portrayal realistic and convincing.

Rami Reddy, who played the role of a ruthless and greedy landlord, Naidu, is stunning in his performance. He is scarily convincing in portraying the shameless ways of his character, who doesn't hesitate to stoop low to keep his power intact.

Kakarala's role as a kind-hearted elder who urges his people to stay united and fight for their rights is endearing. His character is inspirational and has a positive impact on the farmers who look up to him for guidance and support.

The director, Goutam Ghose, portrays the stark contrast between the lives of landlords and farmers brilliantly. He captures the bleak realities of farmers' lives, their struggles to make ends meet, and the crisis that drives them to sell their land. The movie also highlights the loopholes in the government's land policies that benefit the wealthy and powerful.

The film's technical aspects, music, and cinematography are noteworthy. The music by the acclaimed composer Salil Chowdhury features traditional folk songs that lend authenticity and depth to the movie's themes. The cinematography by the legendary cinematographer, Ashok Mehta, captures the essence of rural life and gives the movie a rustic and raw appeal.

Overall, the movie Maa Bhoomi is a timeless masterpiece that touches upon issues that are still relevant today, such as land rights, farmer exploitation, and government apathy towards marginalized communities. The film acts as a reminder that oppression and exploitation still exist and that the fight for justice and equality is an ongoing struggle for many. It's an outstanding example of socially conscious cinema that leaves a lasting impact on the viewer.

In conclusion, Maa Bhoomi is a film that deserves to be watched by all those who believe in the power of cinema to bring about change. It's a movie that will long be remembered for its powerful and gritty portrayal of the hardships faced by farmers and the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Maa Bhoomi
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    2 hr 38 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.6  (89)