Lupe Under the Sun

Watch Lupe Under the Sun

  • 2016
  • 1 hr 18 min
  • 5.7  (43)

Lupe Under the Sun is a drama film released in 2016, directed by Rodrigo Reyes. The film was a critically acclaimed piece of art that told the tale of a hardworking and determined Mexican migrant worker named Lupe, played by Daniel Muratalla. Reyes, through this film, portrays the realities of life for migrant workers, from their daily struggles in the field to their personal lives.

The storyline follows Lupe, a man who has been working as a farm laborer in the United States for decades. He has spent over 20 years picking crops and sending money back home to his family in Mexico. The movie starts with Lupe being tasked with picking tomatoes in a field in California. While carrying out his job, Lupe reminisces about his past and the failed attempts to gain permanent residency status in the United States.

Almost in his late 50s, Lupe knows that his body is getting too weak to go on working as a farm laborer, and he needs to find a way to get himself out of the cycle of poverty that he's stuck in. He starts dreaming of a life where he could be with his wife and live in his hometown in Mexico. However, his immigration status and lack of money make it impossible for him to even consider moving back.

The film perfectly captures the bleak reality of life as a migrant worker, with the constant reminders of Lupe's struggles. From working long hours in the scorching sun to sleeping in cramped and dirty conditions, it is clear that the life Lupe leads is no easy feat.

The film showcases Lupe's daily life as he works in the fields pickings crops alongside other workers. Lupe forms a close friendship with one of his coworkers, another Mexican migrant worker named Jose. The two have been working together for several years, and they share a lot of their thoughts and dreams with each other. Jose, who is a younger man, is more optimistic and hopeful about life in the United States, but Lupe seems to have lost his hope.

The movie makes it clear that life is hard for not just Lupe, but for all farm laborers, and their struggles should not be forgotten. The movie shows the frustrating and dehumanizing system that migrant workers operate within, from their underpaid wages to their inhumane living conditions. It forces the audience to look at this reality and question the system that permits it.

Lupe Under the Sun is a slow-moving and realistic movie that showcases the lives of people who have been marginalized and treated unfairly. Reyes does an exceptional job of capturing the lives of people of a particular socio-economic class that is often ignored by mainstream media.

Reyes's decision to cast non-professional actors, including Daniel Muratalla, results in an authentic depiction of the migrant worker's daily lives that resonates with viewers. These actors infuse the film with a sense of realism, and it is clear that Reyes has taken great care to create an atmosphere that is true to life.

The cinematography captures the essence of the Mexican-American border, with the stunning landscape and vibrant colors providing a stark contrast to the bleakness of Lupe's life. Christian Dos Ramos's musical score complements the visuals perfectly, creating an atmosphere that is unforgettable.

In conclusion, Lupe Under the Sun is a must-watch movie that brings to life the reality of life for migrant workers in the United States. The movie is a poignant and raw depiction of people who have been systematically ignored and mistreated. Reyes's attention to detail in the screenplay, cinematography, score, and casting infuses the movie with a sense of realism that draws the audience into Lupe's life. The film will leave you with a sense of unease and anger at the system, but you will come out with a new appreciation for the strength, endurance, and resilience of people like Lupe.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 18 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.7  (43)