Let the Devil Wear Black is a crime thriller movie that was released in 1999. Directed by Stacy Title, the movie stars Jonathan Penner, Randall Batinkoff, and Norman Reedus in the lead roles. The plot of the movie revolves around a young man named Jack Jr. (Jonathan Penner), who is devastated by the sudden and brutal murder of his father (John Glover). Jack is convinced that his father's business partner and former lover, Vincent (Randall Batinkoff), is responsible for the murder. As the investigation into his father's death progresses, Jack becomes increasingly obsessed with finding the truth and avenging his father's murder.
The plot takes a turn when Jack meets a mysterious man named Jude (Norman Reedus) who seemingly has supernatural abilities. Jude seems to know a lot about Jack's past and claims to have a connection to his father. Jude offers to help Jack find the truth behind his father's murder, but Jack soon realizes that Jude might not be what he seems.
As the movie progresses, Jack's obsession with finding the truth puts him and those close to him in danger. He becomes increasingly erratic and unpredictable, putting himself in harm's way as he tries to unravel the mystery surrounding his father's death. Along the way, he discovers dark secrets about his family and his father's business dealings, leading him to question everything he thought he knew.
Let the Devil Wear Black is a well-crafted thriller that keeps the audience engaged throughout. The movie's strength lies in its unpredictable plot that keeps the viewer guessing until the end. The use of flashbacks and dream sequences adds to the suspense and creates an eerie atmosphere that permeates throughout the film.
The performances of the lead actors are strong, particularly Jonathan Penner as Jack Jr. Penner brings a sense of vulnerability and desperation to his character, making him relatable and sympathetic even as he becomes increasingly unhinged. Randall Batinkoff is convincing as the smooth-talking and manipulative Vincent, while Norman Reedus adds an element of mystery and intrigue to the movie with his portrayal of the enigmatic Jude.
The movie's visual style is also noteworthy, with its moody lighting and dark color palette adding to the ominous tone of the film. The use of slow-motion and stylized camera angles adds to the overall atmosphere of the movie, making it a visually striking experience.
While Let the Devil Wear Black might not be the most original movie in the crime thriller genre, it is a well-executed and engaging film that keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat until the very end. With strong performances, a suspenseful plot, and stylish visuals, it is a movie worth watching for fans of the genre.
Let the Devil Wear Black is a 1999 drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 29 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.0.
CastJonathan PennerRandall BatinkoffNorman Reedus
DirectorStacy Title
Release Date1999
MPAA RatingR
Runtime1 hr 29 min
IMDB Rating5.0 (727)
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