Watch Lawrence Welk Christmas Shows
- 1958
- 2 hr 43 min
The Lawrence Welk Christmas Shows is a collection of classic holiday variety shows hosted by popular bandleader Lawrence Welk. The shows originally aired on television during the 1960s and 1970s, and capture the charm and allure of a bygone era. With their wholesome, family-friendly tone and catchy musical numbers, the shows are a nostalgic throwback to a simpler time.
The Lawrence Welk Christmas Shows features a cavalcade of talented performers, including Welk himself, as well as singers, dancers, and instrumentalists. The musical numbers are a mix of classic Christmas carols, modern holiday hits, and traditional melodies from around the world. The sets, costumes, and staging are all meticulously designed to create a festive atmosphere that will fill viewers with holiday cheer.
One of the standout performances in the Lawrence Welk Christmas Shows is the annual appearance of the Lennon Sisters, a family singing group that made frequent appearances on the show. Their tight harmonies, sparkling costumes, and cheerful demeanor make them a highlight of the holiday performances. Other memorable acts include accordion virtuoso Myron Floren, who brings a touch of old-world charm to the proceedings, and the charismatic tap dancer Arthur Duncan, who dazzles with his lightning-fast footwork.
The Lawrence Welk Christmas Shows are not just about music, however. The variety format allows for comedic skits, dancing, and other forms of entertainment. There are even segments featuring animal acts, such as trained dogs and horses, which add an extra element of whimsy to the proceedings.
Throughout the shows, Lawrence Welk himself serves as a genial host, introducing acts and bantering with the performers. His affable personality and easy charm are part of what made the original shows so beloved, and they shine through in these holiday-themed performances.
Overall, the Lawrence Welk Christmas Shows are a delightful trip down memory lane for anyone who grew up watching classic television variety shows. They offer a glimpse into a simpler time, when the holiday season was all about spending time with family and friends, enjoying festive music and entertainment, and spreading cheer and goodwill to all. Whether as a nostalgic reminder of the past or an introduction to a beloved cultural touchstone, the Lawrence Welk Christmas Shows are sure to put a smile on viewers' faces and fill their hearts with holiday joy.
Lawrence Welk Christmas Shows is a 1958 family movie with a runtime of 2 hours and 43 minutes.