Late Night with Conan O'Brien was a popular late-night talk show that ran from 1993 to 2009. One of the most beloved and recurring characters on the show was Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, a puppet created and performed by writer and comedian Robert Smigel. In 2004, a best-of compilation of Triumph's appearances on the show was released on DVD, titled Late Night with Conan O'Brien: The Best Of Triumph The Insult Comic Dog.
The DVD features some of Triumph's most memorable moments on the show, including his interviews with celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Eminem, and Star Wars fans waiting in line for the premiere of Episode II. Triumph's trademark insults and deadpan delivery are on full display, and fans of the character will not be disappointed by his antics.
One of the highlights of the DVD is Triumph's visit to the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, where he takes on the haughty world of dog breeding and snobbish owners with his usual irreverence. The segment is hilarious from start to finish, with Triumph taking shots at everyone from the dogs themselves to the judges and even the hosts of the show.
Another standout moment is a visit to a college campus, where Triumph takes on the issue of censorship and political correctness on college campuses. The bit is both funny and biting, with Triumph taking aim at both sides of the debate and showing his versatility as a commentator on current events.
Throughout the DVD, fans will also see Triumph's run-ins with various members of the Late Night staff, including Conan O'Brien himself. The two have a hilarious dynamic, with Conan often playing the straight man to Triumph's zany antics. However, it's clear that Conan and the rest of the staff love working with Triumph and appreciate the extra level of absurdity he brings to the show.
One of the strengths of Late Night with Conan O'Brien: The Best Of Triumph The Insult Comic Dog is that it showcases not only the character's humor but also the impressive puppetry work that goes into bringing him to life. Smigel is a master puppeteer, and the DVD includes behind-the-scenes footage of him working with the puppet and interacting with guests on the show. Seeing the technical aspects of the character's creation only adds to the viewer's appreciation of Triumph's wit and humor.
Overall, Late Night with Conan O'Brien: The Best Of Triumph The Insult Comic Dog is a must-see for fans of the character, as well as anyone who loves outrageous humor and irreverent comedy. The DVD serves as a great introduction to Triumph for those who may not be familiar with him, and it's a nostalgic trip down memory lane for those who remember him from his heyday on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. With a sharp wit and a biting sense of humor, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog remains a beloved character to this day, and this DVD is a testament to his lasting appeal.
CastRobert SmigelConan O'Brien
DirectorRobert Smigel
Release Date2004
Runtime1 hr 1 min
IMDB Rating8.3 (835)
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