Watch "Key Of Brown"

  • 2013
  • 1 hr 33 min
  • 5.5  (58)

Key of Brown is a 2013 crime drama film directed by Vaughn Christion. Starring Verina Banks, Struggle E. Stylez, and James Lyones, the movie tells the story of a young woman named Lei, who is forced to confront her violent past after her sister is kidnapped by her former gang. The film explores themes of family, redemption, and the high cost of violence.

The movie begins with Lei, a talented tattoo artist living in New York City, receiving a call from her estranged sister Ava. The call is cut off abruptly, and Lei quickly realizes that her sister has been kidnapped by the same gang that she used to run with in her youth. Lei is torn between her desire to protect her sister and her fear of returning to a life of violence.

As she sets out to rescue Ava, Lei is forced to confront her past and the people she left behind. She reconnects with her former boyfriend, Jun, who is now a high-ranking member of the gang. Jun is initially hostile to Lei, but eventually agrees to help her track down her sister. Lei also meets a young girl named Ming, who is caught up in the violence of the gang and becomes a surrogate little sister to Lei.

As Lei delves deeper into the criminal underworld, she begins to uncover the truth about her sister's kidnapping and the forces behind it. She finds herself at odds with the gang's leader, a ruthless man named Reggie, who wants Lei back under his control.

Key of Brown is a visually stunning film, with a dark and moody atmosphere that perfectly captures the gritty world of the criminal underworld. The movie draws heavily from Asian cinema, with influences from films like Oldboy and Infernal Affairs. The cinematography is striking and often employs symbolism, such as the use of color to represent different characters and their emotions.

The movie's soundtrack is also noteworthy, with a mix of electronic and traditional Japanese music that adds to the film's intensity and mood. The score is particularly effective during the film's action scenes, which are both thrilling and brutal.

The performances in Key of Brown are strong across the board, with Verina Banks delivering a standout performance as Lei. Banks brings a quiet intensity to the role, conveying Lei's conflicted emotions and internal struggle with a subtle yet powerful acting style. Struggle E. Stylez is also impressive as Jun, playing the character with a controlled anger and simmering intensity that hint at his deeper motivations.

While the film is primarily a crime drama, it also touches on themes of family and redemption. Lei's relationship with her sister and her surrogate little sister, Ming, highlight the importance of family and the lengths one will go to protect those they love. The movie also explores the idea of redemption, both for individuals and society as a whole.

In conclusion, Key of Brown is a powerful and visually striking crime drama that explores themes of family, redemption, and the high cost of violence. With strong performances, a stunning visual style, and an unforgettable soundtrack, the movie is a must-see for fans of the genre.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 33 min
  • IMDB Rating
    5.5  (58)