"Kalla Kulla" is a 1975 Indian Kannada film, directed by "K S R Dass" and Produced by "CVL Shastry, DTS Rao, D S Narasinga Rao, Y R Ashwath Narayan".The film Stars "Vishnuvardhan, Dwarakish, Vajramuni, Thoogudeepa Srinivas, Prabhakar, RajanandKunigal Ramanath", in lead roles. The film had musical score by " Rajan-Nagendra". Watch the full Movie, Kalla Kulla, online, only On Eros Now.
Kalla Kulla is a 1975 drama with a runtime of 2 hours and 19 minutes. It has received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 7.9.
CastVishnuvardhanB.S. DwarakishVajramuni
DirectorK S R Dass
Release Date1975
Runtime2 hr 19 min
IMDB Rating7.9 (33)
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