
Watch Jungle

  • 2012
  • 1 hr 19 min

Jungle is an adventure film based on a true story. The movie follows the journey of Yossi Ghinsberg, an adventurous Israeli backpacker who teaches in Bolivia in 1981. Yossi meets Marcus, a Swiss teacher, and Kevin, an American photographer, and the three become fast friends. Yossi shares his dream of exploring an uncharted part of the Amazon rainforest with his new friends, and they all agree to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

They hire a local guide, Karl, who leads them into the jungle. However, things quickly turn for the worse when they get separated from their guide, and the trio finds themselves lost in the dense jungle. They are forced to fight for survival with limited supplies and no means of communication. They brave through dangerous territory, including raging rivers, impenetrable undergrowth, and constant rain.

As their situation worsens, tensions rise, and they become increasingly desperate to get out of the jungle. Yossi begins to question his own sanity as he starts to hallucinate and imagine his family and friends visiting him in the jungle.

As the days blur together, they lose hope of being rescued and struggle to stay alive amidst jaguars, snakes, and poisonous insects. All the while, Yossi refuses to give up hope and clings to the possibility of being rescued.

The film is shot beautifully and captures the stunning yet dangerous nature of the Amazon forest. The actors do an excellent job of portraying the different phases of their journey, from the initial sense of adventure to their frustration with one another as their situation becomes more dire. Daniel Radcliffe particularly shines in his portrayal of Yossi Ghinsberg, displaying vulnerability, resilience, and determination all at once.

Overall, Jungle is an exciting and captivating tale of survival that will keep you on the edge of your seat until its thrilling conclusion. It's a story of how perseverance, friendship, and a fighting spirit can get you through the toughest challenges in life.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 19 min