Joe Dancer: The Big Trade is a crime drama movie released in 1983 directed by Reza Badiyi and starring the legendary Robert Blake in the titular role of Joe Dancer. The movie explores the gritty and dangerous underworld of Los Angeles, where Joe Dancer, a private detective, has built a reputation for his fearless attitude and uncanny ability to solve any case. The plot follows the story of Joe Dancer as he is hired to uncover the mysterious disappearance of a young woman named Anna despite the presence of numerous roadblocks that keep getting in his way.
The story begins with Joe Dancer receiving a call from an old acquaintance asking him for help with discovering the whereabouts of their daughter Anna. Anna had recently been involved with a group of small-time crooks and has gone missing following a big score that they pulled. Joe takes up the case and starts his investigation with his trusted partner, Willie Brown (Kenneth McMillan), a former cop and now a private detective. Joe soon finds out that there is more to the story than what he initially thought.
The search for Anna takes Joe deep into the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles, where he encounters various unsavory characters, including a group of petty thieves, corrupt cops, and an enigmatic gang lord with dangerous connections. To make matters worse, Joe finds himself entangled with a femme fatale named Maya (Joel Bailey) who appears to have some sinister motives of her own and is playing both sides of the coin.
As Joe tries to unravel the mystery surrounding Anna's disappearance, he faces numerous hurdles that test his wit, courage, and determination. He fights tooth and nail to navigate through the complex web of lies and deceptions to get to the truth. In the process, he risks his own life, and at times comes close to losing his sanity. What follows is a suspenseful thriller with twists and turns that keep the audience on the edge of their seats.
Robert Blake delivers a gritty and captivating performance as Joe Dancer, portraying the character's toughness and vulnerability with effortless perfection. Kenneth McMillan's portrayal of Willie Brown is another standout performance that injects a dose of humor and warmth into an otherwise serious narrative. Joel Bailey's Maya is the perfect femme fatale, cunning and seductive, always up to something nefarious.
The movie's soundtrack, composed by Mike Post, adds to the film's gripping and tense atmosphere, capturing the mood and emotions of the characters with precision. The cinematography by Jack Priestley is another highlight of the movie, immersing the audience in the dark and murky world of Los Angeles.
Joe Dancer: The Big Trade is an enthralling and suspenseful crime movie that keeps the viewer engaged throughout its runtime. The film provides an exciting glimpse into the dangerous world of private detectives and crime in 1980s Los Angeles. Robert Blake's performance alone is worth watching the movie, but the supporting cast and overall production value make it an enjoyable watch for anyone interested in crime thrillers.
Joe Dancer: The Big Trade is a 1981 drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 33 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.7.
CastRobert BlakeKenneth McMillanJoel Bailey
DirectorReza Badiyi
Release Date1981
Runtime1 hr 33 min
IMDB Rating5.7 (55)
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