It's a Joke Son

Watch It's a Joke Son

"The Funniest Man of the Year in the Happiest Hit in Years!"
  • NR
  • 1947
  • 1 hr 3 min
  • 5.9  (280)

It's a Joke Son is a classic American comedy film from 1947 that stars Kenny Delmar, Una Merkel, and June Lockhart. Directed by Benjamin Stoloff, the movie is set in the small town of Vienna, Georgia and follows the adventures of Senator Beauregard Claghorn, a fast-talking, pompous blowhard who is on a mission to prevent the local radio station from being shut down.

The story begins with a radio announcer announcing that the Federal Communications Commission has ordered the station to shut down for 30 days due to unpaid bills. This news is not well received by Senator Claghorn, who believes that the station is an essential part of the community and must be kept open. He sees this as an opportunity to showcase his own patriotism and begins to exploit the situation for his own political ends.

Claghorn, a southern-fried caricature of a politician, is the main attraction of the movie. He is pompous, self-important, and constantly spouting homespun wisdom and folksy sayings. He is obsessed with proving the superiority of the southern way of life and is always looking for an opportunity to put down the Yankees. His speeches are a mixture of absurdity and hilarity, and his accent is so over-the-top that it is impossible not to laugh.

The Senator's political ambition is fueled by his desire to impress a woman named Marjorie (played by June Lockhart). Marjorie is the daughter of the station manager and the apple of the Senator's eye. Even though she has a boyfriend, the Senator is convinced that he can win her heart with his charm and his speeches. He spends most of the movie trying to impress her, but she remains oblivious to his advances.

Unable to convince the FCC to change their decision, the Senator decides to take matters into his own hands. He attempts to raise money to pay off the station's debts by organizing a fundraising show. This show is the climax of the movie and features a series of hilarious musical numbers and skits that are designed to showcase the Senator's talents. The show also features a surprise guest appearance by a famous Hollywood actress, who the Senator is convinced will help him win Marjorie's heart.

It's a Joke Son is a film that is full of charm and wit. The characters are all lovable, and the humor is gentle and harmless. The film is a product of a different era, and its portrayal of southern life and politics is undoubtedly caricatured. Nevertheless, it's hard not to be charmed by the film's innocence and humor.

Kenny Delmar's performance as Senator Claghorn is outstanding. He is a master of delivery and timing, and his over-the-top performance is a joy to watch. Una Merkel, who plays the role of the station manager's wife, is also excellent. Her deadpan humor is the perfect foil for Delmar's bombastic speeches.

June Lockhart, who plays Marjorie, is lovely, but her role is unfortunately underwritten. She serves mostly as eye candy and a romantic subplot for the Senator. Nevertheless, Lockhart brings a sweetness to the role that makes her scenes enjoyable.

The film's music is a highlight. The musical numbers are catchy and entertaining, and the Vaudeville-style skits are a throwback to a bygone era. The film also features an animated sequence, which is a novelty for a film of this time.

It's a Joke Son is a film that may not be for everyone. Its brand of humor is gentle and innocent, and it's a far cry from the more cynical comedy films of today. However, if you're in the mood for some old-fashioned fun and some classic performances, then you can't go wrong with this charming comedy.

It's a Joke Son is a 1947 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 3 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.9.

It's a Joke Son
Where to Watch It's a Joke Son
It's a Joke Son is available to watch, stream, download and buy on demand at Amazon Prime, Apple TV Channels, FuboTV, FlixFling, MGM+ and Amazon. Some platforms allow you to rent It's a Joke Son for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 3 min
  • IMDB Rating
    5.9  (280)