Vanessa (Jillian Bell) embarks on a solo trip to clear her head after the death of her best friend Jennifer (Natalie Morales). But her self-care vacation plans change when she finds the recently departed Jennifer standing in her kitchen, claiming to be an extraterrestrial. Together they spend the next 48 hours partying and reminiscing on better days in this comedy that's out of this world.
I'm Totally Fine is a 2022 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 23 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.0 and a MetaScore of 62.
CastJillian BellNatalie MoralesBlake Anderson
DirectorBrandon Dermer
Release Date2022
Runtime1 hr 23 min
IMDB Rating6.0 (1,197)
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