I Heart Huckabees is a 2004 comedy-drama film written and directed by David O. Russell, starring Jason Schwartzman, Jude Law, Naomi Watts, Dustin Hoffman, Lily Tomlin, and Mark Wahlberg. The film revolves around the existential investigation of Albert Markovski (Jason Schwartzman), who hires detectives Vivian and Bernard Jaffe (Lily Tomlin and Dustin Hoffman) to help him unravel the meaning behind coincidence and his current life struggles.
Albert is an environmental activist who has been working for a long time to save a marshland from a development scheme spearheaded by Brad Stand (Jude Law), the young and hyper-successful executive of Huckabees, a Wal-Mart-like chain store. Despite his dedication, Albert feels lost and alone, struggling to find his place in the world. Through the detectives' unconventional approach, he learns to embrace uncertainty and to see the interconnectedness of all things around him.
As the investigation progresses, they uncover a series of interconnected lives and a web of relationships that binds the characters together in unexpected ways. Among these characters are Brad Stand's girlfriend, Dawn (Naomi Watts), a model-actor who is disillusioned with her shallow lifestyle, and Tommy Corn (Mark Wahlberg), a firefighter who has lost his faith and is struggling with his anger issues.
Throughout the investigation, Vivian and Bernard offer their clients a unique perspective on life, encouraging them to question everything they have ever believed to be true. They employ unusual techniques such as playing tricks on their clients in public places and conducting wild group therapy sessions to help them get in touch with their deeper selves.
As the investigation begins to wrap up, Albert gains a new perspective on his life and relationships. He learns that it's okay to let go of certainty and embrace the chaos of life. Meanwhile, Brad realizes the error of his ways, apologizes for his actions, and joins Albert's cause to save the marshland.
I Heart Huckabees is an enchanting and quirky film that delves deep into the human psyche, exploring questions of identity, meaning, and the interconnectedness of all things. The film's dialogue is smart, clever, and often hilarious, and the performances by the talented cast are outstanding. It's a must-see for fans of existential comedy-drama and anyone who is looking to explore life's big questions.
I Heart Huckabees is a 2004 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 46 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.5 and a MetaScore of 55.
CastJason SchwartzmanJude LawNaomi Watts
DirectorDavid O. Russell
Release Date2004
MPAA RatingR
Runtime1 hr 46 min
IMDB Rating6.5 (66,557)
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