
Watch Howlers

  • NR
  • 2017
  • 92 hr
  • 4.2  (592)

Howlers from 2019 is a thrilling horror movie set in the wild west, directed by Josh Ridgway. The film stars Sean Patrick Flanery, Chad Michael Collins and James Wlcek among other talented actors. The story begins with a group of outlaws who embark on a mission to rob a train carrying a large shipment of silver. Little did they know, a mysterious creature lurking in the shadows was waiting for them.

Soon, the creature unleashes its wrath on the outlaws, leaving them helplessly stranded in the desert with no way to escape. The outlaws soon realize that the creature is not the only thing they have to worry about - there are also werewolves on the loose.

As the night unfolds, the group of outlaws and a few other unlikely allies must band together to fight the dangerous creatures and survive until sunrise. They must also come to terms with their personal demons and past mistakes, as secrets are revealed and tensions rise.

The film's director, Josh Ridgway, does a fantastic job of creating an intense and suspenseful atmosphere within the confines of the wild west. The dusty, isolated setting complements the horror elements of the film, with the werewolves adding an interesting twist to the genre. The old-school western ambiance is further enhanced by the costumes, makeup and practical effects used in the film.

Sean Patrick Flanery gives a stellar performance as a hardened outlaw named Slade, who leads the group of outlaws on their mission. Similarly, Chad Michael Collins portrays a complex and admirable character named Corbin, who finds himself in the midst of the chaos. James Wlcek also gives a noteworthy performance as Rand, a lawman who is hunting down the outlaws but finds himself fighting alongside them to survive the night.

Overall, Howlers is an exciting and intense horror-western film that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The well-executed storyline, excellent performances, and impressive practical effects make this movie a must-see for horror and western fans alike.

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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    92 hr
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    4.2  (592)