The 1982 movie Hanky Panky stars Gene Wilder, Gilda Radner, and Kathleen Quinlan. The movie features Gene Wilder as Michael Jordon (not the basketball player), an ordinary man living in Chicago who decides to go on a blind date. The date doesn't turn out as planned, and Michael accidentally picks up a fake passport, some crucial information about an FBI operation, and a murdered woman's keys.
The following day, he is pursued by the police, the FBI, and a group of hitmen who think he is in possession of something they desperately want. Michael has no idea what he's gotten himself into and what everybody is after him for, until he meets an eccentric woman named Kate (played by Gilda Radner) who claims to be a journalist and says she can help him.
Kate tells Michael that the hitmen want him dead because he has accidentally become involved in a plan to discredit the witness protection program. Michael is devastated by this news, and so is Kate when she discovers that her father happens to be the retired FBI agent who has been working on the case.
The pair decides to team up to try and solve the mystery, and they go on a wild journey from Chicago to New York, all the while dodging bullets, explosions, and crazy car chases. Their relationship starts off as difficult and uncertain, but as they face danger together, they begin to fall for each other.
Their adventure leads them to meet some colorful characters, including a group of hippies at a commune that offers to shelter them, and Michael's estranged sister, who helps them escape the hitmen. They also face many close calls with death and capture, such as when Michael is handcuffed to a hitman and has to find a way to free himself, or when Kate's dad turns out to be less helpful than she originally thought.
Despite all of these obstacles, Michael and Kate's friendship grows stronger as they uncover the truth and try to protect themselves and those around them. Their story is filled with twists and turns, and their humorous chemistry makes the film feel fresh and exciting.
Hanky Panky is an entertaining romantic comedy that combines action, comedy, and suspense in a unique way. The film showcases Wilder's talent as a leading man, and Radner's charming wit and comedic timing. The chemistry between the two leads is palpable, and their characters' personal journey adds an emotional depth to the overall story.
The movie also boasts thrilling action sequences that keep the audience on the edge of their seats. From car chases to shootouts, the film delivers an engaging adventure that never lets up. The supporting cast is also impressive, with Quinlan giving a memorable performance as Michael's sister, and Richard Widmark as the menacing villain.
In conclusion, Hanky Panky is a fun-filled adventure that features charming leads, thrilling action, and hilarious moments. It is a great example of a 1980s comedy and a perfect showcase for the talents of Wilder and Radner. The film remains a beloved classic for fans of the genre and is one that has not lost its appeal over time.
Hanky Panky is a 1982 mystery with a runtime of 1 hour and 50 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.6.
CastGene WilderGilda RadnerKathleen Quinlan
DirectorSidney Poitier
Release Date1982
Runtime1 hr 50 min
IMDB Rating5.6 (3,198)
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